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Corpsmen, a loadout issue

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  • Corpsmen, a loadout issue

    So, been thinking on medics and the sort of kit they use. According to Blackhawk the S.T.O.M.P.II was designed for Navy SEAL medics (which I'm working on an impression for). The issue is that this backpack seems to be purely designed for medical supplies (and hydration packs). Now how and where do medics using such kit carry the rest of their kit that's not included in fighting order for longer operations (such as spare clothing, sleeping kit, rations and so on)? I know that not being an actual medic I could get away with throwing the kit in a medical backpack but I'm just trying to get a feel for how they do it in real life, my instinct is that waterproofs and maybe rations would be stored in a butt pack/MAP/utility pouch on a belt system but maybe someone on here is more knowledgeable?

    "The only easy day was yesterday"

    Originally posted by woody549
    Guns + Booze + Friends + Fun = Winning

  • #2
    Re: Corpsmen, a loadout issue

    I am currently working on a US Navy Corpsman attached to the USMC in Iraq loadout.
    It would have been completed by now if I didnt wait for last years birthday present from a friend.....

    It does depend on the unit the Corpsman is attached to and where they are deployed.
    But I have a feeling its like this:
    Each member of the unit in question carries their own medical supply kit (IFAK).
    The Corpsman isnt there to fight (okay they can & do), he is there to patch up wounds, keep guys alive as much as possible which means putting his body between the enemy and the casualty.
    I am guessing here, that the Corpsman carries what he needs to keep his Marines alive and the Marines will carry his kit split amongst the troop/platoon/etc. Even though the Navy & USMC have a love/hate relationship, the Jarheads love the Corpsmen that go through hell to save an injured Marine.


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    Fenrisianspirit I'm a huge geek. I love tinkering with computers, playing vidya games and listening to music.Why not zoidberg? Find out more about Fenrisianspirit