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Scope Cams

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  • Scope Cams

    How do you do it? Are you a McGyver using a paperclip and floppydisk, or a Bruce Wayne buying in specialist kit?

    Pics of your setups with some basic instructions would be greatly appreciated, I am looking at setting up a scope cam.
    King Arms "King of Arms Builders 2013" Winner

  • #2
    Re: Scope Cams

    Theres an airsoft guy on youtube with a very nice setup. What gun is it for mate and what scope, i might have just the scope rings for you!


    • #3
      Re: Scope Cams

      Going to be King Arms Blaser, and the scope is as of yet to be decided. Pic of the scope rings you have would be cool
      King Arms "King of Arms Builders 2013" Winner


      • #4
        Re: Scope Cams

        On its way 2 mins mate, theyre painted but easily sprayed or removed.

        Theyre 30mm tube ones meant for leupold clones and the like, but the ris thats built in could easily mount a camera, its how the guy on youtube mounts his i think.

        Last edited by JOE90; 18 April, 2012, 21:19.


        • #5
          Re: Scope Cams

          The best idea I've seen for scope cams thus far was also the only decent idea I've ever seen for using the AngleSight, which is a little box with a two-way mirror in it that allowed light to be diverted 90 degrees away. That way both the camera and you can see down the scope at the same time, and record your view as you hit the target. This way the camera will record the crosshairs - the works - as opposed to slightly over or to the side of the scope.


          • #6
            Re: Scope Cams


            This should tell you how!
            Originally posted by psirus101
            I once got a player 100+ metres away by just pointing my finger and shouting "PEW PEW PEW". He took his ****ing hit!


            • #7
              Re: Scope Cams

              Thats pretty much my scope rings above with more work and parts involved.


              • #8
                Re: Scope Cams

                Originally posted by MiloXC3 View Post
                this is the link I was going to post, once I get the funds together I'm going to do the same setup with a smaller video cam, the problem with having the video camera looking directly through the scope is 1 that you get such poor quality because the camera autofocus's to the scope and the glass is often crapy so the amount of light you get is poor and so the video is grainy to compensate.
                2. you can't see down the scope properly yourself, so sure you're getting good video but you're not hitting anything. lol

                the 90 degree idea leaves the problem of a video camera stuck out 90 degrees from your gun ... great for getting smashed on door frames, and again gives you the issue of poor lighting

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                crasstoe Chris, 23, White, Male, 5'7 Find out more about crasstoe