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ICS Plastic series

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  • ICS Plastic series

    Ive been looking around at reviews on the ICS series and have come across some conflicting messages.

    basically ive read on the Z1 website that motor is a "Super Torque-Up Turbo 3000 Motor" but on other another site it says its an infinite motor. which ive heard isnt as good, ive also been told this by a member of this forum, can any one confirm any of this.

  • #2
    Re: ICS Plastic series

    Only the metal range uses the turbo 3000 motor. The craptastic plastic range uses a pants infinite motor. Can't even be compared to an eg700 it's that bad in my humble opinion


    • #3
      Re: ICS Plastic series

      I wonder why Z1 are saying its the turbo 3000 motor, could it be a misprint or just that they've got a new batch specially ordered from factory..

      Also is it just the motor thats lesser, as you can get a turbo 300 for only £40, so its still fairly cheaper, especially if you wait till it breaks or what-not
      Last edited by Ironhide; 21 November, 2009, 15:04.


      • #4
        Re: ICS Plastic series

        Supporting fire websites states the inifinity motor whilst a few of the reviews show T-3000's, So maybe there are different batches floating around. Give Zero one a ring and ask for confirmation.
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        • #5
          Re: ICS Plastic series

          Think i will, call, pick one of the "tech guys" brains for info, on the Z1 website they do seem to boast good connections with ICS, so maybe a few strings got pulled and lots of promises of lots of orders, lol. stranger things have happened.


          • #6
            Re: ICS Plastic series

            When me and my friend went to Z1, he asked about the plastic series and the chap there said if they dont have it in stock he can always make one for him. So i guess they will be using bits and pieces from other guns and assemble it to what you want.

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