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Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

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  • Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

    I may be moving to Brisbane and have heard Airsoft is illegal in Oz - HORROR!!!!

    Please advise :-(

  • #2
    Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

    Look under the "Australia" section.


    • #3
      Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

      Yeh, It's illegal over there.
      Another reason that I dislike the Australian governemt.

      I think you even need a firearms licence to get a Paintball gun.


      • #4


        • #5
          It kind of makes sense if you look at it from there point of view.

          They see dome one with a gun in the street , no messing "shoot them"
          If you added imitation fire arms it gets messy.
          With there quite liberal gun laws they are just covering there asses


          • #6
            Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

            Originally posted by tubzza View Post
            Yeh, It's illegal over there.
            Another reason that I dislike the Australian governemt.
            Yep a very funny country, Considering its was built up of immigrants they sure as hell don't like letting people in, Anyone seen that airport customs program set in Aus? some one got fined for taking a jar of sealed Hellmans mayo in their case, Just because it wasn't made with Australian eggs and it could contaminate. GROW UP!!!


            • #7
              Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

              Just think how efficient GBB guns would be there D:
              y u no let us airsoft in your warm country?

              also ... licence for paintball?! and scared of contaminated eggs?! wtf australia pull it together ... always thought they were so chilled out.. just had fosters and bbqs all the time lol

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              • #8
                Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

                Originally posted by newbz1 View Post
                I may be moving to Brisbane and have heard Airsoft is illegal in Oz - HORROR!!!!

                Please advise :-(
                There is a body trying hard to make the hobby legal in Oz, more info on their site including the current laws


                • #9
                  Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

                  Originally posted by slick63 View Post
                  There is a body trying hard to make the hobby legal in Oz, more info on their site including the current laws
                  And in one episode, someone had a lighter taken off them because it was in the shape of a revolver :S. I really wouldn't hold my breath for them legalising it, they are a funny bunch.


                  • #10
                    The closest you'll get to airsoft is Battlefield Sports which is a sort of laser tag system with weird looking guns. It was developed because airsoft and paintball are essentially illegal.


                    • #11
                      Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

                      Originally posted by Coz View Post
                      Yep a very funny country, Considering its was built up of immigrants they sure as hell don't like letting people in, Anyone seen that airport customs program set in Aus? some one got fined for taking a jar of sealed Hellmans mayo in their case, Just because it wasn't made with Australian eggs and it could contaminate. GROW UP!!!
                      Um they are been grown up!. You'll find all countries stop the import of certain food goods not just Australia, UK borders are very strict on it. For example with eggs and most meats most people know your not supposed to heat up then freeze then heat up again most foods as its dangerous. So what do you think happens to it on a plane!. It will heat up while the plane prior to take off, freeze while your in the air then warm up again on landing. Specially in warm Australia!. there are thousands of diseases that can be brought into a country by contaminated food, even live stock. Why do u think dogs and cats are put into quarantine?.


                      • #12
                        Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

                        Originally posted by bobfish View Post
                        Just had fosters
                        Ever wonder why they export that shite all the time? It's because Australians think it's crap, so they sell it other countries and barely drink it themselves. If you ever go to Australia then you should try the beer they have, it's brilliant. In comparison the beer in the UK is utter piss.

                        Originally posted by Darkmikey22 View Post
                        It will heat up while the plane prior to take off, freeze while your in the air then warm up again on landing. Specially in warm Australia!. there are thousands of diseases that can be brought into a country by contaminated food, even live stock. Why do u think dogs and cats are put into quarantine?.
                        Not to ruin your somewhat flawed plan, but most planes have pressurised and heated luggage compartments. It can get upto -50 degrees celsius outside a plane, and all that separates the passengers between the compartment and cabin is a small metal floor.

                        The actual reason they don't allow meats outside the EU into the UK is due to the risk of disease. The EU has laws which require a certain standard to be maintained. The UK Government then assumes that any country in the EU follows these laws.

                        Australians are no different. Their country plays host to a diverse habitat, natural products can contain insects that can carry foot and mouth or any disease for that matter. If you watch "Nothing To Declare" on Pick TV they explain this very well.
                        Last edited by RedHawk; 8 June, 2012, 02:37.


                        • #13
                          Re: Any Australian Airsofters here? I may be moving to Brisbane

                          Come across the ditch to NZ, mate. A little cooler for the GBBs (considering it is currently snowing xD) We have Semi-Only in NZ so I'd like to say games a a little less spammy than that of kids with Auto guns hahaha.


                          About the Author


                          newbz1 Twelve years in the British Armed forces (NOT SF LOL) before starting my Career in the Power Industry Find out more about newbz1