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best way to send a RIF through the post?

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  • best way to send a RIF through the post?

    hi guys, just wondering how i can send my Rif through the post?

  • #2
    Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

    In a box :p

    Royal Mail SD for pistols, Royal Mail signed for standard parcel insured for RIFs, the only proper method to guarantee you against loss or damage, most other couriers wont take RIFs, you can use them but if they damage your item you likely will get no compensation.


    • #3
      Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

      Ideally in it's original box, but failing that, a box shaped box... so it doesn't look like a gun!

      Empty magazines and battery at the very least disconnected, ideally wrapped separately.

      Wrap the box in a hard wearing paper that covers all pictures etc and use plenty of tape.

      I always put a return address on my stuff, just in case... and then pop down to your local post office.... if anybody should ask, tell them it is sporting equipment.

      yes, it really is as simple as that

      Private companies can refuse any cargo they choose. The royal mail must take anything that is LEGAL... a really hot gun is illegal, severed heads are illegal, any and all airsoft weapons from a springer to minigun are LEGAL (fps dependant) and the RM must take them. (they lost a court case a while ago).

      The counter clerk is probably unaware the case even happened, so to avoid hassle, pack it well, pack it bland / inconspicuous and mark it as sporting equipment if you need to mark it at all


      • #4
        Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

        You are also asked if your parcel is worth over £43 I believe?

        If it is, you are still allowed to say "No..."
        But if you do that, you don't get fully insured... however it costs less to post.

        I recommend you do not lie! And buy the insurance for your gun's value, or it'll be a pain in the ass if you only get £20 compensation or something for a £500 rifle that has been cracked in two by the intelects at RM/Parcel Force.

        Alternatively, you can do all the same, but use a certain parcel service 2go online to post it with their couriers. Good prices and most will pick it up from you the next day for no extra cost.


        • #5
          Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

          Should always post RIF's by Royal Mail. As stated by someone else, its legal for you to send it via them. Iv heard stores in the past people getting there parcel scanned and then seized by other couriers.


          • #6
            Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

            How many threads do we have on this now?...


            • #7
              Re: best way to send a RIF through the post?

              Unfortunately the ability to use your own brain before asking has long gone the way of the dodo in today's society. So I expect another post asking the same thing in about 24-72 hours time.
              Raven's Claw: bug*er this just charge


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              grothammer Find out more about grothammer