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Bruising from bb's

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  • Bruising from bb's

    Anyone know what the crack is with bb bruises that don't seem to fade? I got a double tap on my left pectoral and a couple more bruises on my stomach that have been there since a game at The Academy from like... May or something... I don't remember them lasting as long as this.

  • #2
    Re: Bruising from bb's

    Time to see a doc maybe? Is it still painful?


    • #3
      Re: Bruising from bb's

      There can be many causes. Can be an early warning of diabetes, but also an immune difficency/ low iron levels/vitamin levels low or dehydration ( i.e. drink more water).
      As said, go n see the doctor even if its just to eliminate early signs of diabetes.
      Have a google for bruises/ wounds not healing.


      • #4
        Re: Bruising from bb's

        I wouldn't worry too much really, unless you're finding that you otherwise bruising more than normal (for you). If you're otherwise finding that you're bruising more than normal, you might consider seeing your GP, as it could indicate a problem with your platelet count (how the blood clots).

        The soft tissue has been damaged where the BB hit. This has caused some minimal bleeding, in order to promote healing of the tissue. As the blood is reabsorbed, the bruising will fade. You may have a permanent scar.
        Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


        • #5
          Re: Bruising from bb's

          I had a check for diabetes last year and I was all in the clear (not to discount that I would not have become more susceptible since that time)

          The bruises don't hurt, it feels like the rest of my skin and no I'm not bruising any easier outside of airsoft. The three bruises in question were from what I believe was 330 - 350fps at approximately 10 feet and they did tickle an awful lot more than most hits so perhaps its just exceptional damage and exceptional bruising?


          • #6
            Re: Bruising from bb's

            Maybe it was a real gun and you're just double-hard?


            • #7
              Re: Bruising from bb's

              i have scars from being shot at close range which look like bruise marks
              After cheap project guns and various bits of kit


              • #8
                Re: Bruising from bb's

                same thing happened to a mate, a year later the marks faded
                AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

                G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


                • #9
                  Re: Bruising from bb's

                  ^^Bruised for a year? I bet your girlfriend/wife/whatever loved that lol.


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