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Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

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  • Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

    Well, my daughter is nearly 8.

    She watches pirates of the caribbean and other 12-a with our guidance (if there's a scene we deem inappropriate in a movie we skip it) and is very sensible for her age. I don't shield her too much, as she needs to build up a tollerance and not be scared of everything or too curious, but of course she doesn't see or hear anything that I believe is inappropriate (too violent, bad language etc).

    However, anyway, given the above, and some of the movies, a lot of kids cartoons and everything involve guns, swords etc, I still think it's wrong for her to see my airsoft kit, what do you think, what would your reaction be, how do you treat your kids around and with your airsoft kit? I mean mine is always de-gassed after use, safety always on, I never have them loaded or the mags in them in the house, and they are always kept away from her, but she is curious of course. When I bought the new pistol the other day I showed my wife but I didn't show my daughter. Now she would know that it is essentially a toy, but at the same time something she shouldn't play with, but do you think it's ok for her to see it or not? I think for someone her age, seeing a replica firearm is not responsible and not a good idea - it does not give the right message.

    So do you think I should keep the stuff hidden, or not be so sensitive over it?

    My wife doesn't want her seeing them either, which is understandable.

    She knows that I go and essentially play an army type game in a field with pretend guns lol and is interested in what her father does and want's to talk about it, so what would you do? Be open about it or shield her a little from it (specifically being around the look of real arms).

    Weapons of Choice:
    G&G SOC-16
    Socom Gear NOVAK neXt 1911
    JG - AK47 tactical
    VFC Scar - L
    Custom Benelli M3 Super 90

  • #2
    Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

    "Daddy has guns at home" is what she'd say to someone one day i imagine.


    • #3
      Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

      Its sensible really mate, my stuff doesnt go into the house unless its maintenance or Im bombing up my kit ready for a skirmish, my missus has a kid (16) who is way to sensible for his age, but his mates are a right royal pain in the ass, and I dont want the 50000000 questions and the possibility of the armed police knocking on my door because one of his said mates has said to his parents or been overheard talking about guns at my house.
      But a child at the age of yours should not be sheltered but and bubble rapped but definatly for safety sake kept away from these items until its deemed she is old enough to know.
      I did hear about research carried out in the states withj children under 12 being introduced to guns, but given all the advice and safety training possible, they found the kids when they were older were not only less likely to carry guns but when they did they were responsible with them and used them safely.
      But it sounds like you and your missus are doing a bang up job of raising your daughter. But no one can tell you whats best for your child, only you and your other half can judge that.
      section 24 of the 1968 Act
      Supplying imitation firearms to minors
      1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
      2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


      • #4
        Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

        I personally dont have an issue with my daughter knowing/seeing i have airsoft guns at home however sitting here thinking about it im not sure why. I guess as long as you bring your kids up knowing the difference between right and wrong, that although airsoft is a game the guns arnt toys then theres no harm. She knows there not for her to play with.
        thinks maybe he should go with the heard


        • #5
          Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

          I think this matter is essentially the same as all other matters when it comes to kids. Anything you say they can't have they want, so by hiding this subject from her you are making her curious about it and that makes it Exciting. There are to many problems with kids these days and most of them are down to poor communication, the next generation are going to grow up being afraid of guns if they are not taught that guns are not the enemy and are nothing to be afraid of. You obviously have the right intentions but personally I would think that your little girl proudly telling her friends about how cool daddy's guns are is a lot better than whispering to her teacher that daddy hide's guns in the house.


          • #6
            Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

            Originally posted by ThatblokewiththeScar. View Post
            guns are not the enemy and are nothing to be afraid of.
            Sorry but lol, I may of read it out of context tho
            Originally posted by bravotwozero
            And no, owning a System doesn't increase the size of your manhood


            • #7
              Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

              Yeah lol back at ya. :D

              Guns are not the enemy! until some twat picks it up it's just a paperweight. The point I was trying to make was that if gun owners explain what we are doing and why, then the question of whether or not kid's should be introduced to guns becomes moot.


              • #8
                Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                I would bring her up to respect the weapons, and make certain she doesnt think they are real, but like you said, the better understanding she has of these things, the more mature she can be
                But i dont have kids.......


                • #9
                  Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                  why not sit her down and explain to her about them? explain the dangers

                  allways good to teach firearm safety skills
                  |Systema PTW M16 RIS | Systema PTW M4 RIS | Systema PTW MP5 | WE SCAR L GBB | King Arms Sig 556 Holo | Custom M4 CASV Multicam | TM MP7 | KSC Steyr TMP | KSC USP .45 | WA SIG GSR | WA Beretta M9 | Socom Gear Wilson Combat 1911| Remote Pyro |


                  • #10
                    Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                    Step kids are 8 (girl), 9(boy) and 13(Girl).
                    Youngest knows about 'stepdads cuboard', that i run around with them shooting at my friends, and has no interest in it.
                    Jack, 9, however, is deternimed that as soon as is humanly possible he will be joining me on the skirmish field.
                    13 year old, again, indifferant.

                    They know not to touch the kit, unless supervised, Jack helps me adjust hops and is adept at zeroing scopes. I look forward to him watching my 6 in years to come.
                    Trader Feedback.

                    Yorkshire Players Forum.


                    • #11
                      Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                      I'm with the couple of comments above. 8 is a perfectly good age to start teaching gun safety. If you leave it too long, then she will get too inquisative and may find her own way into your guns. But, if you introduce her to them under your own conditions, not only will she feel that you trust her, she'll not have any reason to talk about the guns you keep hidden at home.


                      • #12
                        Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                        my 4yo daughter knows i have airsoft weapoons. She occasionally sits and watches me prepping my gear for a skirmish. She KNOWS that he is never to touch any of my gear unless she is SUPERVISED by me. She can also name most of my guns. I don;t shield her from them, but i do make sure she understands that they are not toys and that is why they are kept in a locked cupboard!


                        • #13
                          Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                          Wow, lots of meat here to chew on!

                          Thanks for all of the comments for and against. have read all of your replies and appreciate it.

                          I think, in hindsight, it's probably better to sit her down and explain, rather than there being any doubt in her mind as to what they are and why they are here. The point about kids being curious and wanting what they can't see and have is very valid. Kids can sometimes obsess over things they can't have and see, it may also show that I don't trust her, or that I think she isn't grown up enough to know about them.

                          I think I will look to find a balance, keep them locked away and safe, but, not shelter her from it too much and make sure she understands them. It may also help to educate her a little about why firearms and such are not acceptable in society (public and crime etc) or though that may be a little deep at her age.

                          Weapons of Choice:
                          G&G SOC-16
                          Socom Gear NOVAK neXt 1911
                          JG - AK47 tactical
                          VFC Scar - L
                          Custom Benelli M3 Super 90


                          • #14
                            Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                            Not at all Steve, i have done that with my kids and the oldest is only 4 as i have stated


                            • #15
                              Re: Airsofting and kids (one for the parents)

                              now i dont have any kids so dont get me wrong if this sounds odd, but i probaly will have children in the future. my opinion on this would be if i had children i wouldnt sheild them from my equipment id let them look and know i have it, but id make sure they knew that it nt to be messed with. but also id make sure they knew what it was and what id did tho they not real firearms id make sure they treated tham as such. tho if they were real weapons id train my kids on the proper saftey procedurs and train them to be profficeint with them. tho i still would let them use my guns under my strict supervision, thats if my kids even founds airsoft appealing who knows. as we all know guns in the wrong hands are killers but guns in the right hands can be life savers. we dont want the next generation of kids to be complete pussies and afraid of everything that could possibly do them harm. thats the way things are going now under this protectionist society. just my feelings


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                              steveoz Find out more about steveoz