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Gas can query

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  • Gas can query

    So I am not running a GBBR and as such have bought a flash bang style gas charger to make filling mags up on the go much easier.

    I currently have it in a pouch on the front of my vest along with my mags and planned to mount the pouch upside down with a small hole in the top to allow the metal nozzle to stick out the bottom of the pouch.

    One question, do you need to 'shake' gas cans/gas chargers before you fill them or will it being upside side be enough?

    If you do have to shake them there is no point in mounting the pouch upside down as I'd have to remove it from the pouch anyway, just thought I'd check before I cut a hole in one of my WAS pouches

  • #2
    Re: Gas can query

    dont see why it would need shaking, if its upside down the liquid propane is gonna be at the bottom
    Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


    • #3
      Re: Gas can query

      Wont it get a shaking while you are moving around?


      • #4
        Re: Gas can query

        Originally posted by Pasty View Post
        Wont it get a shaking while you are moving around?
        I suppose, yeah!

        I've just always shakes gas before I put it in, no idea why. Just habit I guess!

        Any other opinions on why this wouldn't work?


        • #5
          Re: Gas can query

          you don't need to shake they just need to be upside down, the reason you shake deodorant is to stir up the liquid bits of it so they come out.

          be careful you don't bend your filling pipe btw i was going to do the same thing but didn't want to bend the filling cap.

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          • #6
            Re: Gas can query

            Thanks for confirming, guys!


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