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G96 gas l96 with bolt faults

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  • G96 gas l96 with bolt faults

    Hey all, since using my G96 on the weekend ( everything was fine before and during game) the bolt is stiff and doesnt always engage the bolt back ( for those that know the g96 bolt they will know what i mean) , i hope basically i doesnt alwasy fire after cocking back, the visusal "hammer" doesnt always engage back.... i have stripped the bolt down, and have noticed the " hammer" piece seems to be under too much tension/compression from the large spring...

    its hard for me to put into words but it just seems something is wrong with teh spring tension
    'Why did you shoot him 13 times?'
    'The browning mag only holds 13 rounds sir.'

    awesome quote
    Originally posted by Hawke
    Be aware - from some people, a pat on the back is sometimes a recce as to where to put the knife in at a later date.

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