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G&P MK46

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  • G&P MK46

    alrite guys,

    i'm not one to jump straight into the deep end and ask a stupid question without doing my research. i am thinking of getting a G&P Mk46 SOPMOD but want some valued opinions on it before i part with the cash, after all its getting on £660.00!

    You tube has many video's of people just looking at it but not a detailed review on performance, box mag etc. i dont even understand how the box mag works, is this sound activated like most??

    any thoughts, review or advice is much appreciated!!

  • #2
    Re: G&P MK46

    tis awesome! i own one!

    Apparently the hop is the Aug version (awaits to be told I am incorrect) it works fine, nice range and nice spread at range.
    The box mag comes in two types, one that has an auto winding feature after a few bb's have been fired it fires every time the trigger is depressed. The other type is that a button has to be pressed before pulling the trigger to feed bb's into the hop.

    They do appear now and then on this forum for second hand. I use mine as a team backup blaster and it gets used by the guys a lot.

    The only thing I would suggest is change the bearings in the gearbox due to the high rof they tend to break easily.

    Other than that its awesome!


    • #3
      Re: G&P MK46

      Freind of mines had alot of issues with his G&P Ranger. The feed tray hinge is made of monkey metal and his broke pretty quickly. His motor then burnt out straight away. Then his gearbox then locked up and shredded all the gears, so he sent it to ZeroOne to get fixed and that cost £100. He then got home, stuck a new motor in it and the gearbox locked again. Hes just dropped it off at a local techie to get fixed. They said they'd had another identical G&P Ranger come in earlier that day with similiar issues.

      Whether these issues extend to the other G&P 249 varients(I see no reason why they wouldnt), Im not too sure on, but Id go for a Classic Army or even an A&K any day.


      • #4
        Re: G&P MK46

        I would say no.

        It uses a V2 gearbox and i just don't think Its a good base for a Support weapon (Some might think different)

        If you are going to spend that kind of money then go for a CA 249, the quality is good and the Gearbox is up to the job, Its also got a quick release spring that makes the already simple gearbox even simpler to work on.A trait that any serious support gunner should appreciate.


        • #5
          Re: G&P MK46

          thanks alot for the info on this one guys, much appreciated


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          D_Lloydy Find out more about D_Lloydy