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UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

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  • UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

    Hi all.
    Last Friday UPS delivered my airsoft replica to wrong address. Courier left parcel somewhere on my street, I knocked most of doors on street without any luck. Already UPS has been reported missing parcel and they opened investigation.
    This gun is somewhere in my neighbourhood, somebody decided to keep, so it's rather no so good person and now have ugly toy.
    So should I call and have a chat with local Police officer?

  • #2
    Re: UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

    Yes. Immediately.


    • #3
      If they have opened your mail, that's also illegal


      • #4
        Re: UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

        Action cancelled.
        UPS delivered my parcel (week later).
        It seams that all this time they have it.
        Happy end, this time


        • #5
          Re: UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

          nothing like a happy ending...
          'Why did you shoot him 13 times?'
          'The browning mag only holds 13 rounds sir.'

          awesome quote
          Originally posted by Hawke
          Be aware - from some people, a pat on the back is sometimes a recce as to where to put the knife in at a later date.


          • #6
            Re: UPS lost my RIF should I call 101 and inform neighbourhood officer?

            Nothing like postal services bullshitting customers
            Originally posted by Lt. Macka
            big black shapes draw the eye.


            About the Author


            PoLi Find out more about PoLi