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Issue with UKARA registered addresses

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  • Issue with UKARA registered addresses

    i know there must be alot of questions like this, however mine is more specific...

    I want to order from hong kong, I am a Ukara Registered UK skirmisher. However I am also a student. I want to order a RIF, which will of course need my UKARA details, which is registered to my Home Address. However, I am at my privately rented accomodation at uni (im a third year so its my own place), whihc is NOT my registered UKARA address.

    Can i get the RIF delivered to my current address, even tho its not my UKARA registered address without causing to much of a problem with customs???? As my home address is a fair journey and would be a pain in the a*se to arrange further delivery from home to me, by my parents. Also, should customs have a problem, they would then of course contact my home, where i wouldnt be, if they require letter correspondence etc etc...



  • #2
    Re: Issue with UKARA registered addresses

    I very much doubt they'd let you do that. The simple reason being: how do they know that it is you living at the Uni address? from their eyes you could well be ordering for a friend or someone on the forums.

    To be safe (especially as you're dealing with customs), I'd order to your home address.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


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    Jonny357 Find out more about Jonny357