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Your best airsoft moment.

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  • Your best airsoft moment.

    Hey guys! I'm bored, and feeling airsofty, so let's talk about the best moments in airsoft

    I'll start: I was playing at AWA Herts with a friend of mine called Tom. We were playing a fallback game, when once you got shot, you had to walk back 30 paces for both teams, however our team could no longer advance forwards, whilst the other team could. Get the idea? So we get pushed back to a bush line with one entrance, and me and Tom decided to camp it out. We hid in some bushes to the left of this gap, and waited: it was a very intense wait indeed! Anyhow, having been here wispering with Tom for a while with excitement, the enemy began to appear in front of us. The build up to this moment was very intense! At last, about 10 enemies were ahead of us in a large crowd just shooting the living crap out of our team. The next part was very confusing. Tom suddenly sprang up without me! He started nailing the enemy team and got about 6 people, who in eventually saw him. He then ran away back towards our lines, with a mighty cheer from our team! I was still alive: the enemy were shooting in my direction, but they decided Tom was the last one alive. So I waited for about 5 minutes, and, with my g&g l85 started shooting the living f*ck out of the enemy team, glorious! I must of counted at least 10 people, and when I started walking towards our lines, I shot a few more in the back, and then started running, knowing that they would respawn and hunt me down. My team provided glorious cover fire, and I made it back to tell the story. Together, we brought the team at least 5 minutes, and won in the end, with a faster attack time when the game switched!

  • #2
    Re: Your best airsoft moment.

    My most memorable moment when 3 bfgs were thrown into the room I was in and later that night all I could hear was ringing


    • #3
      Re: Your best airsoft moment.

      My favourite was at a local site, we were defending a position. Due to the vegetation and positioning my brother and I managed to take out a team of 5 (who knew the site). After a couple of mins we push forward and find the opfor have broken through our line to the left, so in a brave move we run into the open field behind the enemy, without speaking to each other we close the gap between the opfor and us to get in range and light them up, taking another 3 instantly.

      What I loved about it was the way we worked together, brilliant team work, creating angles to confuse the original attack and then stealth to interfere with the main assault and the way it worked without talking, just on the same wave length.


      • #4
        Re: Your best airsoft moment.

        Sorry to rain on this one and all its good intentions but there is a whole section dedicated to it.!

        It would be nice to see more good stuff than bad stuff posted up in there.
        section 24 of the 1968 Act
        Supplying imitation firearms to minors
        1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
        2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


        • #5
          Re: Your best airsoft moment.

          Yeh bu that thread is so dead


          About the Author


          Simeon Hi My name is Simeon I live in London and like airsoft. Find out more about Simeon