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If you could add things to your site

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  • #16
    Re: If you could add things to your site

    All sites:

    Use of team armbands!
    I know it sounds daft but I've been to a few sites that don't mark team colours and I find it absolutely horrid. Unless I know the rest of my team essentially I'm surrounded with strangers and then asked to tell them apart. Unless you can separate them milsim style - ie different loadouts I can't see how it should be done.

    Plenty of setup space
    Something better than a couple of chairs. Tables and worktops so we can actually setup our gear, perform repairs if we need to

    In woodland sites:

    More realistic structures that serve as waypoints, objectives, cover etc So something that looks like a bunker, AA site, mortar pit, command outpost etc <--- parts of EAG Dorking does this well. Even better would be actual brick and mortar structures rather than just wooden shacks.

    Barricades you can actually use as cover rather than trying to hide behind the worlds thinnest tree. <----Also harps back to the structures point

    Reduced plantlife Having some (not all) of the greenery cut back would improve some sites massively. I find excessive amounts of bushes and shrubbery can slow gameplay and makes it too hard to move quickly and stealthily


    In CQB

    Opening up choke points and having multiple routes to every destination. Again stalemates are boring lol

    Not quite so pitch black - low level lighting - at least you can kind of see and not have to give yourself away
    Upcoming Games:

    Armoury: G&G GR15 Raider-L, KJW P226, Cybergun M3, TM MP5 (x2)
    Gear: British MTP, Warrior Assault Systems RICAS, Magnum Elite II Boots


    • #17
      Re: If you could add things to your site

      Bristol Airsoft where i play has some really good lighting.

      personally i would make it bigger, add a more court house feel, as it originally was a courthouse.

      if it stretched across to the other side of the original building it would be awesome.

      we already have holding cells, and rooms off like that. however i would like to see plywood office type setups in the office rooms, like fake desks with plywood monitors ect.
      Dead or alive....your coming with me


      • #18
        Re: If you could add things to your site

        Originally posted by Kodiak View Post

        I'd travel across the world to play at sci-fi themed airsoft site. Close quarters on board a starship themed game area... cooooool.
        This would be my idea of heaven!
        . . . . . . . . . GET SOME!!! . . . . . . . .
        TM P90/ G&G M4 CHOINE (WHITE M4 INNIT!) / KSC G18C / TM G17 / WE G18C / WE 1911 MEHICO DRUGLORD


        • #19
          Re: If you could add things to your site

          I'd to see a downed Heli or light plane, Blackhawk down comes to mind, recuse pilots,hold Heli, recover documents etc etc list could go on.
          Lake with an island in middle small squad has to hold island or part of it for said amount of time from would be attackers.
          Just a few I'd like to see.

          OHHH BEHAVE!!
          YEAH BABY YEAH


          • #20
            Re: If you could add things to your site

            Nice safe zone


            • #21
              Re: If you could add things to your site

              Proper toilets, abandoned vehicles, arm bands to make teams a lot more clearer.
              My local site has a couple of parents that I know of drop off the kids and pick them up later. I say, just get the parents into it as well! My son and I love it and we are working well as a team.


              • #22
                Re: If you could add things to your site

                Decent toilets! It's like as soon as everyone has to concentrate on aiming with their metaphorical penis extension, they forget about aiming with their actual penis and as a result the average site bog looks like an actual bog.

                Also, a graduated range with targets - even a corridor would be good - with markings at every five meters marked with letters in a random order. Everyone operating a weapon with an MED must demonstrate the ability to guess which letter corresponds to their MED - that way they demonstrate that the order 'don't shoot anything closer than 30m' actually means something to them. Plus, equip it with targets, and it settles endless arguments about whose weapon outranges whose.


                • #23
                  Re: If you could add things to your site

                  Originally posted by dazzer106 View Post
                  I'd to see a downed Heli or light plane.
                  Not just that but old/burnt out jeeps, trucks, tanks and APCs. Afterall we're trying to simulate a warzone here.

                  Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
                  Decent toilets!
                  Yes dunno how I forgot this one!

                  Actual flushing porcelain toilets.
                  Upcoming Games:

                  Armoury: G&G GR15 Raider-L, KJW P226, Cybergun M3, TM MP5 (x2)
                  Gear: British MTP, Warrior Assault Systems RICAS, Magnum Elite II Boots


                  • #24
                    Re: If you could add things to your site

                    Honestly, something more obvious to mark team colours. I appreciate that people want to wear they're own camo but a small amount of yellow tape around both arms usually isnt enough to stop me shooting my own team!
                    Maybe colour coded beanie hats... or something.


                    • #25
                      I like the idea of mortar pita that's cool, I would like to stumble across that while playing. I'm suprised at the request for toilets - my site has flushing toilets I'm probably just lucky, and the firing range with meter markings. It's good to hear people's differet opinions. I think we all want some sort of vehicle


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by CaptainHighside View Post
                        This would be my idea of heaven!
                        The problem with this is, cost


                        • #27
                          Re: If you could add things to your site

                          i have quite a good site working toilets, firing range with marking, two old vehicles that don't move but look pretty cool, a little base made of tyres and a ammo dump kinda thing with a tower (badly made and don't let people up.) If i had to add i would add a bigger area with less undergrowth and vegetation and more village type areas and lots more people (like 200) with camo coordinated teams. oh and lots of trenches i would love if you have like a couple of support gunners laying down fire while like 20 people jump over the top to attack the enemy.


                          • #28
                            Ye i have a good site with working toilets, seated and covered safe zone with a big hut for food an repairs etc. Electric provided and free tea an coffee an microwave.
                            We have a few landrovers dotted about an a van which is being converted plus a ammo dump, a few bases and pill boxes etc.
                            I would like to see more vehicles and objective bases but it's always the cost that restricts them!


                            • #29
                              Re: If you could add things to your site

                              A chance to turn up in what I want to and not have others bitch and moan about it not being 'tactical' enough for them. :p

                              Though really it would be a site built up from the ground for special events like actual story scripted events and police raids / drug deal take downs etc.

                              Though that may be me after just watching way, way too much Miami Vice. Still one thing I would like to add is a better selection of games and a few more well thought out buildings.

                              68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
                              Got a spare 10mins or are bored? Check out my film reviews:


                              • #30
                                Re: If you could add things to your site

                                I would love the mall to actually have shelves etc in the empty shops. Give you some cover and add to the feel of the place as they are just empty open spaces atm


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                                Finnez Find out more about Finnez