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Kwa m9 ptp

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  • Kwa m9 ptp

    What do people think of the KWA M9 PTP ive read quite a few reviews some say really good other say bad, what the gas efficiency like?

    Looking to get one cause i thought the NS2 system would be more reliable.

  • #2
    Re: Kwa m9 ptp

    KWA stuff is great, snappy recoil for a full metal gun and has good gas efficiency too. The PTP stands for Professional Training Pistol, and i have read that these are slightly more powerful, but in the tests i have done with these, i havent seen any power increase. Decent range out the box too but the Hop rubbers suffer from swelling and going really soft, so look into getting a Falcon rubber or other upgraded one, i have done so in my MP7 and will do in my USP .45 and Vector

    Im a big fan of KWA stuff, as parts are so easy to get from KWA themselves as apposed to TM who dont give a flying f**k about anyone but Japan.

    WARNING. Post may contain traces of sarcasm. If you do not understand this, I pity your existence.


    • #3
      Re: Kwa m9 ptp

      They're brilliant in terms of gas efficiency and kick, but I've found the hop in the M9 that I owned to be a bit hit and miss. However, others have reported no issues. I'd say go for it mate, but just be aware that there is a possibility the hop may have to be fettled.


      • #4
        Re: Kwa m9 ptp

        They are great but will need the hop changed and time put into them to get them firing at the best possible range and accuracy.

        Even being a big TM fan the Glock and M9 designs by KWA and KSC I prefer over the TMs. Just too bad they can't nail down the hop other wise they would be one of the most perfect designs put there.

        Just beware that if you live in a cold area you might need to look at stronger propellants for winter, but as you are down in Swindon this shouldn't be much of an issue.

        68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
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        • #5
          Re: Kwa m9 ptp

          i use propane for all my gas stuff ive heard stuff about KWA stuff breaking with propane i know you need to lube them cause propane has no lube in it is this just over exaggerated or do KWA guns really not like it?


          • #6
            Re: Kwa m9 ptp

            I've always used KWA submachine guns and pistols, over the past 11 years. Ultra reliable, good power, and great reliability. KWA pistols have a rep for working in the cold, especially the NS2 system. I mean really cold. I personally like the KSC/KWA design hop-up design. I've never had an issue. When compared with my friend TM pistols it has comparable range and accuracy. I used to own until very recently a KWA M93R, which is of course very similar to the M9. Fired near on 350fps. I upgraded the barrel to a tighter barrel, but left the hop rubber standard. The ball bearing is a pain in the arse, when doing this type of upgrades.

            Someone else pointed out PTP. KWA PTP pistols are also ment to be the exact same dimensions as the real steel counterpart.
            "Sometimes seen but never heard"


            • #7
              Re: Kwa m9 ptp

              Propane is fine on KWA guns - I'm a massive fan of my KSC G18 (despite it not being the best pistol ever in the cold) - I'm gonna look at propylene and/or running CO2 mags to get winter performance (it has been truly dire this year), however summer performance is awesome. (Alternatively I'll get a plastic TM pistol for winter fun after having a go with one in -5 at copehill...)

              The hop system (not the material of the rubber) can be replaced on most kwa pistols with a much more accurate system (barrel/hop unit/hop rubber is all replaced). I personally dont rate the Falcon hop rubber, it slaughtered accuracy in my glock and provided (wildly innacurate) overhop on everything less than .28g bbs.
              Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


              • #8
                Re: Kwa m9 ptp

                Originally posted by Dave1 View Post
                Someone else pointed out PTP. KWA PTP pistols are also ment to be the exact same dimensions as the real steel counterpart.
                They try to be within the restrictions of the ******* *****.

                However for the most part it is KWA setting up shop in the US and branding them as kind of 'safe' training aids as opposed to real steel carry in training. I have heard that while they are not the best options they are cheap and fit the bill while saving that extra bit of cash, plus it gives them a marketing boost to slap 'used by US police forces to train' etc. Best TM got was Travis Haly saying that Recoil Shock guns are perfect for drills and practices without the risk of live fire :p.

                It is not a bad thing by any means, but it is more like stamping 'as used by the SAS' on a bit of Viper kit so people will buy it.

                68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
                Got a spare 10mins or are bored? Check out my film reviews:


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