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TM FN5-7 Longevity

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  • TM FN5-7 Longevity

    Hello Chaps,

    Just a quick one.
    I was thinking about getting a new sidearm; probably either the TM FN5-7 or the WE G17/18c.
    I'm pretty familiar with the WE G18c (my dad has one!) and know that's its well built, accurate and likely to last a while. As much as I love TM's the concern I did have is with how well the FN5-7 lasts over time... Obviously all of the reviews online of the 5-7 are of brand new pistols, so I would be grateful if FN 5-7 owners could let me know of how well theirs is holding up (particularly green gas users).

    Opinions on whether the 5-7 or G17/18c is better would also be hugely valued.



  • #2
    Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

    Without meaning to mess with your thread, I will now attempt to summarise how the responses to this post will look:

    The vast majority will basically be: "TM am bestest." They may also advise you about things that you haven't asked, such as 'buy a TM Glock.'

    There will be a back and forth along the lines of: "but TMs can't take green gas, and he asked about green gas!" followed by: "yes TMs can take green gas; I have used green gas in my TM y, TM x and TM z for years!" probably then followed by: "yes, but TM 5-7s and TM XD9s in particular blow up when they use green gas."

    Finally, a small but vocal minority will give you something like: "why all the WE hate? They've really upped their game!" backed up with the old "and they're full metal!"

    Personally I think the 5-7 is one of the ugliest pistols ever devised, which is why I've never owned one. I don't like Glocks, but I'd take a Glock over a 5-7 all day. However I, and most people who respond to these sort of threads, have never owned a 5-7 and have therefore not used it on green for a long time. My advice would be to only listen seriously to those people who have since they will have a real answer to your question based on experience.
    102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

    Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


    • #3
      Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

      Longshot has got it pretty much summarized. However as I owned a TM5-7 for a year and a half and used it on green so I can give you some insight into that.

      I've never had a WE glock so cannot compare them directly but my TM 5-7 was one of the most accurate and reliable pistols I've owned. I did however struggle to find mag pouches that fitted it. Mags are sturdy, I once dropped one off a first floor walkway onto marble and it still worked.

      As for using them on green. I used it on green for the 18 months i owned it. It was fine but in the last 2 months it developed a fault where a bb would randomly jam on one side of the nozzle. this would stop it cycling properly and need stripping and BB removing to make it work again. I do not know if that was just due to general wear or whether it was due to the extended use on green. It only happened when firing fast but led to me selling it for spares and buying a new pistol. I do still consider buying another one though as it was such a good gun.


      • #4
        Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity


        Sound Advice! I always forget to tailor my posts to avoid these kind of things...

        I do find the 5-7 a bit ugly too, but it would go quite nicely with a P90 loadout (as would the Glock)... two ugly sisters!
        I plan on only using green gas, so if that's a no go with the 5-7 (a fairly contentious issue), then I shan't buy it.
        I've owned a TM Glock 17 (for a short time) before, but have been massively impressed with what WE can now offer (again contentious but that's my honest view despite being a TM fan) and fancy something different that I know works well.

        Cheers for the response.



        • #5
          Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

          The only advice I would offer on the WE glock front is be prepared for the barrel to snap - a mate has had his for about two months, skirmishing it every two weeks or so and the outer barrel came to bits. I've seen the same fault mentioned on here as well.
          Shadow Stalkers Airsoft Team


          • #6
            Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

            The Fn57 is not TMs most reliable pistol, I only use Abbey Ultra, but it has outlasted every WE I have owned by far so it's your choice really.


            • #7
              Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

              Green Gas doesn't have to be used. I find Abbey Ultra gas is great, it has enough power to cycle back the really heavy metal slide on my KWA MK23 really nicely and crisply and if the TM has some issues with green Gas Abbey Ultra should be your route. Its only slightly less powerful but its amazing in everything I've used so far. Haven't looked back to green gas since.


              • #8
                Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                Any TM is good. The 5-7 is not their best but the choice is yours.
                WE have upped their game but I'd always pay more for TM because they shoot amazingly.

                I have and have had a vast amount of pistols.

                Ask yourself what you want it to do and how often you want it to do it.
                Do you play pistol only games? If so your side arm will be used a lot so get a reliable and accurate TM. I'd get the Glock I have one and can shoot a cocktail stick at 8m, the sights are bang on and it runs green gas. It shoots just as well as my hi capa but the sights on my hi capa are well off.
                If you play cqb and draw a pistol every game then I'd still go TM but as I said WE have upped their game so maybe give them a look.
                If you play woodland and rarely draw your side arm choose what you like. My side arms go through more rounds on the range than they do in game.

                If its looks your after and it matches your load out get the 5-7.
                TM may be plastic but that adds gas efficiency and crisper cleaner blowback.

                Just choose what suits your needs and what is affordable to you.
                I know what i said because i was standing here when i said it.

                ICS FAN - Always looking for parts. PM me what you have


                • #9
                  Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                  Never had a problem with my TM 5-7, run on zero one gas. Mag will fit standard 9mm pistol mag pouch if you try hard enough! But getting a holster to fit is difficult, tried 3 then bought a Blackhawk serpa.


                  • #10
                    Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                    TM 5-7s are great pistols, I love mine. No problem with holsters or mag pouches here, I rock fabric pouches and a serpa, the mags are a nice snug fit. Runs fine on green gas making a nice consistent 310FPS. WEs are merely okay, I still hear horror stories but then they are very cheap to buy in the first place and upgrades are available. My Glock was very well made and made a lovely sound, twas an indoor gun only though unfortunately.
                    - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


                    • #11
                      Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                      My mate had a few GBB pistols before getting a TM 5-7 and loves it
                      Uses it on Propane, finds the larger mag (and thus larger gas reservoir) means it'll avoid cool down longer on the cooler days, and gives your typical TM good range.
                      Quite a big pistol, so if you don't have big hands I wouldn't recommend this one :P
                      Also mag pouches are a bit of a PITA for these as they're deagle mag size - my buddy uses M4 mag pouches for his on the belt and find they work great.

                      From my point of view, can't really go wrong with a stock TM 5-7 TBH.

                      However, as I own a TM P226 with hogue grips, nineball gas routers and a nineball hop rubber that outranges most average hire AEGs, I feel I must recommend one of those instead


                      • #12
                        Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                        I have both a TM 5-7 and a WE Glock 18C...

                        Both are fairly mighty guns for different reasons.

                        The TM 5-7 has range that by far outstrips any pistol I've owned thus far. The kick is pleasant and gas will easily do about 3 mags. I tend to run mine on Abbey Brut or Abbey Ultra - no issues encountered. I've had it nearly 3 years and use it about every other month (it shares time with my PX4)

                        The Glock on the other hand - I bought it as an experiment to see if WE really have upped their game (I've had some experiences with a 1911 variant of theirs). Range is lacking compared to the 5-7, but over the last year, it's stood up to the test. Managed to do a mag dump happily on the CS xmas game in 2012, where the temperature was approaching zero. Kick isn't bad, but the hop could do with a new rubber IMHO. For <£100, you can't go wrong


                        • #13
                          Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                          TM 5.7 is an excellent pistol. However it has one major design flaw.

                          The BBU has little sliders that fit to the frame of the gun. Its only held in by two screws and two small pot metal lugs which after a while break off and cause constant jams.

                          Ill try and find some pics, but this is slightly avoidable by using JBWeld on the pot metal nubs to reinforce it.

                          Not to mention the others such as the outer barrel needs to be changed for a steel/alloy one as it rips its own lugs out from recoil. However this gives a second issue, when you hit around 10K or so you need a new hop unit as the Steel/Alloy outer barrel rips the lugs out of the hop unit itself. Or you can use JB Weld again to fix one side of the outer barrel in which should prevent this.

                          Few things to put up with/solve however the range and accuracy are astonishing, gas consumption is incredible - Giant mags tiny plastic slide. Overall a very good pistol.

                          One more thing to note is make sure you use a Fobus/Serpa/Hard holster as soft ones tend to cause the mag release button to be knocked - it is an oversized tactical release - and loose your mag...


                          • #14
                            Re: TM FN5-7 Longevity

                            Read my review of it in pistols...

                            All above is mentioned as this happen to mine and Stargate P90's 5-7's.

                            I would never recommend it as a sidearm when there are other pistols that are much more reliable. I'd also never recommend a Glock either, far too many stories and personal experience of them just not working!

                            You want a pistol that comes out the box, works all day, goes back in box and repeats. TM Sig P226 or a TM Capa 5.1/4.3. 1911/MEU if you like that but mags cause an issue as they very rarely get all shots out, so require short loading to about 18 rounds max and good luck in the cold!

                            In short, i wouldnt own either pistol you have mentioned because im fed up with Airsoft stuff breaking down and not working, hence going for Capa's all day long now.

                            WARNING. Post may contain traces of sarcasm. If you do not understand this, I pity your existence.


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                            rjb Find out more about rjb