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Rules on filming with airsoft props?

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  • Rules on filming with airsoft props?

    Hey guys,

    so this year i started my uni course in digital film production. A few of the people found out i got an airsoft collection and plan on asking me if they can use it in future projects. Im fine with lending it out for the sake of filming. I just wanted to know if there are any rules when it comes to these kind of things.
    Would i have to be present with them whilst they use my equipment or can i just give it to them and they bring it back once they are done.

    Thanks for the help.

  • #2
    Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

    I think the only rules you need to concern yourself with are the common sense ones.

    There is nothing to stop you loaning them out, just what they do with them once in their possession. On a private, closed set there is no issue what so ever. The issues only arise on "public" sets if the law have not been forewarned!

    I think I the crime is something like Causing fear to the public.

    Hope that helps.


    • #3
      Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

      Pretty much what Loki said.

      An Airsoft company I was 'in with' used to do public displays and demonstrations involving RIFs and BFGs, the old bill was always notified this was going to happen before hand, what time it would start and approximate finish time. Oh and location too.
      section 24 of the 1968 Act
      Supplying imitation firearms to minors
      1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
      2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


      • #4
        Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

        Ask yourself can you trust the people who are borrowing them not to a) dick around with them, b) break them, c) injury someone, d) not commit a criminal offence with them ?
        If in doubt I would be present during filming and get a mention as "Armourer" on the credits.


        • #5
          Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

          Pretty much what has been said here.

          Inform the police if it is a public area being filmed in (they should be informed of any filming in public anyway, but they need to be made aware that replica firearms are in use)
          I would recommend being on set as the "armourer" just so there is someone responsible and who knows what he is doing with them.
          Putting up signs saying "filming in progress" or something like that would be good too and inform any local residents, business owners etc that you will be filming with replica firearms so they don't end up calling the police.

          If the police show up they need to be aware that they should immediately stop filming, place the weapons down and provide proof that the police had been informed beforehand. A photocopy of a letter from the police representative that was informed of filming would be perfect. Just because you have informed them doesn't mean that there wasn't a miscommunication on their end. It's happened to a few people I was at uni with, they informed the police they would be filming and what would be happening etc but they still turned up with no idea there was filming taking place. The producer provided them with a copy of the letter they received and the officers were very apologetic.


          • #6
            Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

            Letter drop in person in the local area, houses and business with the Location manager or Producer or what ever you have at university, explain what is being filmed and that your using replicas. Regardless of being in a public or private area, what ever your doing will look violent and reportable to the locals if they don't know what's going on.

            Contact the police if your are in a public place. If you are in a private residency explain to them as well.

            Sign in and out what ever is being used and take them off the actors when it is not needed for shot, and don't allow crew to play with them either.
            Zeroin - Come for the airsoft. Stay for the trolling.


            • #7
              Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

              If you're staying in halls you might want to check the tenancy agreement, my halls don't allow any form of weapon so if people say they borrowed the guns from you it might turn out badly.


              • #8
                Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

                We filmed in a friends new house. I went next door, explained to the neighbours that there were imitation firearms next door, and that they are all legal etc, told them I work for a retailer as well. Also that they were not coming out the house, so if they heard anything that sounded like gun fire, that they cold know it wasn't. They were very understanding and were totally fine with it all, lovely people.

                I would just be there when your friends are filming, because you might end up with broken guns, which is no fun. I had to stop a couple of instances where people were d**king around with them. It's understandable, most people don't get to play with guns like we do, just make sure that your friends aren't going to break anything, show them how everything works, and teach them respect for your property.

                The film is looking really good so far, I will say!


                • #9
                  Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

                  Last year we did some filming on uni property in a public area, we got permission from security and made sure that it was pretty obvious what we where doing, i.e. we never had any airsoft guns or equipment anywhere but where we where filming, so if someone needed a toilet break they had to take all the kit off first, we didn't run into any problems
                  PM me if you're looking for S-ARMS M4 mags


                  • #10
                    Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

                    If a public area- Permission must be given by owner (council etc) and police notified, residents MUST be given prior notice that replica weapons will be on set etc.
                    If on private property- Get the nod from the land owner, notify the police if the area you are filming in can be seen by joe bloggs.
                    With regards to lending it out to people- You are still responsible for what is done with the RIF's if one of them for whatever reason was involved in a crime you WOULD end up being involved, unfortunately I have heard of a few instances when this has happened and the person was summoned to court and was either fined or given a negligence charge.. I personally recommend if it was your RIF's that you be on set with them to make sure all are being used appropriately and of course treat them as if they were real weapons as for all anyone else knows there real.
                    And please please never ever do this ….

                    The above is just a brief summary of the answer to the OP's question, I work in the camera industry as my career so any other questions please drop me a PM.



                    • #11
                      Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

                      All of the above posts are spot on, ultimately you have to consider every concieivable BAD scenario, & try to guard against it, inform everybody who could possibly find about & therefore take issue or action against you, don't forget uni admin, as if it goes pear shaped, you may get kicked out as well.
                      It's prob best that you are involved as an armourer, keeping control of all rifs when their not being used in actual filming, I.E. when the cameras aren't rolling, all rifs to be handed back to you, no 'tards wandering around with them.
                      This way you know there's no misuse, & it gives the guys responsible for filming some credibility with the authorities, only downside is its a pain in the arse for you as it's your time lost, unless of course some agreement can be reached to cover your time , money/beer/fanny (delete as applicable).

                      and if you have the slightest doubt or concern that those involved aren't 100% profesional in their intentions & abilities, withdraw all involvement or support (rifs), as its not worth the risk

                      @x-ray, still laughing at the trick or treat fail, superb & very deserved, what a dickhead lol.
                      Last edited by tackle; 28 November, 2013, 12:03.


                      • #12
                        Re: Rules on filming with airsoft props?

                        Ditto above, inform police if you are likely to be seen. A passerby may have seen you through a window, that is so going to look like a hostage situ.
                        "And this is why a two finger tap on the shoulder will suffice"


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