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What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

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  • #46
    Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

    it can be cheap , a whole set up for £350 is possible and then it's £30 all in for a whole day (away from the wife and kid's)


    • #47
      Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

      Well it's cheap if you buy a JG.... we all know they're far superior to any other brand on the market.... Especially TM... Oh sorry we already done that one. But to be honest really, once you have a gun of your own and the basic equipment to play then it really is a cheap day out. Far cheaper than a Paintball day or footy match. Almost as cheap as the cinema these days. Cheaper than a concert by a mile. Try getting into a pleasure park cheaper than an airsoft day, and no 3hr queuing for a ride either. In fact there's not many things to do that is cheaper than airsoft all told.

      I love being able to collect the replicas and show them off. It always generates interest from any visitor to my home, especially my Pistols SLR DSR and Inokatsu M60. Being an Ex squaddie from the 70's 80's era and being able to own a SLR and modding it with rs accessories like wooden fittings and a Real steel SUIT sight was awesome for me.

      My wife also plays and so we get to do things together as our interests are the same. The friendliness you get at events is second to none. We turn up at a game stand together for the briefing then off we go. I sometimes never see the missus all day except between game in the safe zone and lunch. Where else can you stand behind a corner taking fire and just chat to someone as if you've known them for years.
      Feedback link


      • #48
        Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

        If you go about it on a budget Airsoft works out pretty cheap . G&g cm gun , as cheap as 99 quid for a reliable brand new gun . Army surplus boots and clothes / 50 / 60 quid Mags and battery's / charger 40 quid , eye pro 10 / 20 quid . For 200/ 250 quid you can get out skirmishing with a new gun and ok kit ..


        • #49
          Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

          Role playing!!! Not the kinky kind with handcuffs and sheriffs badge but the type where you portray you badass inner beast! For most people feeling like an elite spec ops soldier does the trick but I like turning up like something from an 80s action film lol


          • #50
            Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

            I am relatively new (Started last May) and have found what I love about it most tends to shift, depending on how long I have been doing it.

            The first few games it was the sheer fun of running around trying to kill each other with realistic guns, but crap-all in the way of gear etc.

            at the moment I am really enjoying getting my kit together and building a DEVGRU inspired loadout, I am an incessent faffer so I love messing around with/ buying new gear.

            Now I am a little more serious about where and how I play, and try to keep the original fun and laughs but also challenge myself in a more "serious" way, I could never become an "elitist" simply because there are always new guys coming in who need a helping hand/ advice, and we were all the "new guy" once.

            At the end of the day, it's the people who play and the guys who run it that make it what it is.
            Originally posted by Scotty Dog:
            I usually just keep a turd in a drop leg holster, then if i'm cornered I just sling it and at least one person will get a faceful. It's great on ammo too, especially if i've had a KFC on the way there.


            • #51
              Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

              I'm still new to the sport so it's all new.

              I'm 37 years old & wanted to go out & do something for just me, at first I was a little worried that the sport would be rife with scary gun nuts but nothing could be further from the truth. The first thing that struck me was how friendly & supportive everyone who is involved in the sport to new comers, I have had some amazing advice & help from people who I have never met or probably never will. Your never considered a noob & that really took me a while to realise this.

              It's not just a sport, It's much more than that & no one judges you for how good or bad you are at the sport, as a matter of fact people will often openly laugh at how bad they are & also apart from the odd weirdo no one judges you for the kit you have either.

              I have to agree with the point that this sport is surprisingly cheap, last week I totted up what I have spent so far & my full loadout cost me less than £150, that's boots to helmet, I have just spent a further £30 on a WAS belt so all I need is a yoke & my loadout is finished. The only thing i need next is a rif & mags which I expect to spend a fair amount, but in comparison to mountain biking where you spend £900 on a bike & then start to spend on mods & riding gear just to start off then It's really not that bad.
              It seems to have so many facets that give different people what they need, some will collect & work tirelessly on their guns while others will spend months building a perfect loadout. I'm just here for the fun & the adrenaline.

              And it's not a poser sport which is exactly why this hobby attracts me


              • #52
                Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

                Reliving my childhood, not that I've really grown up, though.

                I like the fact that we can wear whatever gear we like and not have to stick to the shit, issued crap we had dumped upon us in the Army. Although, having said that, I tended to wear what I wanted when on Ops.

                I like the social aspect of it and the camaraderie of it all and I also like my guns!


                • #53
                  Re: What is your favorite thing about airsoft?

                  Originally posted by Fumps View Post
                  I'm still new to the sport so it's all new.

                  I'm 37 years old & wanted to go out & do something for just me, at first I was a little worried that the sport would be rife with scary gun nuts but nothing could be further from the truth. The first thing that struck me was how friendly & supportive everyone who is involved in the sport to new comers, I have had some amazing advice & help from people who I have never met or probably never will. Your never considered a noob & that really took me a while to realise this.

                  It's not just a sport, It's much more than that & no one judges you for how good or bad you are at the sport, as a matter of fact people will often openly laugh at how bad they are & also apart from the odd weirdo no one judges you for the kit you have either.

                  I have to agree with the point that this sport is surprisingly cheap, last week I totted up what I have spent so far & my full loadout cost me less than £150, that's boots to helmet, I have just spent a further £30 on a WAS belt so all I need is a yoke & my loadout is finished. The only thing i need next is a rif & mags which I expect to spend a fair amount, but in comparison to mountain biking where you spend £900 on a bike & then start to spend on mods & riding gear just to start off then It's really not that bad.
                  It seems to have so many facets that give different people what they need, some will collect & work tirelessly on their guns while others will spend months building a perfect loadout. I'm just here for the fun & the adrenaline.

                  And it's not a poser sport which is exactly why this hobby attracts me
                  Exactly this


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                  Kodiak TM gun nut Find out more about Kodiak