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I Hope Nobody Saw That! Confession Time

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  • #46
    Re: I Hope Nobody Saw That! Confession Time

    not myself but my friend who I lent my gun to couldn't put the mags in properly and repeatedly they were dropping out and getting lost much to my annoyance.

    saw him running across the top of a mound shooting with no mag in his gun ... glad that I saw that and had a good laugh because it was only at the end of the day that someone found my mag he'd lost that time.

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    • #47
      Re: I Hope Nobody Saw That! Confession Time

      So I was at Xsite attacking the Vietnam village (basically a big hill fort with lots of wooden bunkers propped out over the edge of the cliff). Down in the valley I was enacting thorough ruination on the defenders with my RPK, and reducing their regens.

      You know how virtually all your team mates tell stories about they got 50 kills in one game, and they were ducking and diving like rambo from branch to branch, with bbs nipping at their heels as they ran and narrowly missing their face as they chip off pieces of bark, only for them to reply with quick, accurate bursts blatting the defenders single handedly? Well for once I could actually make this claim credibly:

      There I was missing death by millimetres, springing from cover to cover under a hail of fire from the bunkers above, desperately trying to encourage the rest of my team to move up. I was left alone as they cowered, only to spring up left, then right, then centre, the RPK on song suppressing one bunker and then single shot marksman-ing the shooters from the other. It feels awesome to ACTUALLY do that. Even though it only happens once every 50 airsoft games and the others you attempt it but are taken down by the first lucky shot from a £10 springer.

      In a slight lull, after I had sprayed 75 rounds or so across the brow of the hill to keep enemy heads down, I caught my breath to think. I knew that I alone would have to make the breakthrough and get close enough to the cliff to start inflicting serious enough numbers of hits that the rest of the team could move and join me safely. I sprinted and lugged all 7kg of machine gun with me, springin over a branch and sliding up to a wooden pallet, 10 metres from the cliff edge. At this extreme angle I had to cower stupidly close, and pop out into the danger in the brief seconds where a defender was winding his mag. I finally suppressed the two most dangerous defenders to the left of me, and heard "Changing mags!" to the right.

      I seized the opportunity and sprang again, sprinting as fast as I could to the cliff edge, right underneath the overhang of the main bunker. Only two defenders from a bunker to the left were actually tracking my run and saw me get this close. Most defenders were pointing out into the valley and hadn't noticed how close I had encroached. With NO cover at the bottom of the cliff from the left bunker's side window, I literally dropped to my knee 'dodging' a burst of bbs, and swiftly pelted the side window taking out those last two guys who knew where I was.

      Taking a breather, I expected any one of their mates on the cliff top to take a cursory glance downwards and see me, unprotected, right beneath the main bunker's overhang. I felt exposed, and could hear the voices and feet of 7 or 8 guys in the bunker above. Adrenaline fuelled and blood pumping, I knew the only chance I had of not wasting all the ground I had gained was to run as fast as my already burning legs would carry me up the sheer, 6 metre cliff, pause to quickly suppress any wandering eyes from the left bunker, and then wheel round at the top to spray all the unknowing occupants of the main bunker in the back, before taking cover inside from the alerted defenders milling about on the rest of the cliff top.

      Plan sorted, I plucked up my last strength and trudged up the cliff. It was hard going, and as I ascended I felt the eyes from the left bunker turn on me. I quickly snapped round, resting my back on the cliff and sprayed the bunker. Heads went down but they had sounded the alarm. I had 5 seconds or so before they signalled the guys in the main bunker what was going on. I span, and ascended the last few feet of the cliff, towards the back entrance of the overhanging bunker.

      As I reached the summit, I noticed a defender running across the cliff from the right bunker, to join the main one. Our eyes met, and in a flash he noticed my red armband and we both began to raise our weapons.

      This was it. My moment. As the sights of the RPK came up I could feel it. The tension in my finger as it glided towards the trigger. Time stopped. I saw the whites of his eyes through his face mesh. One last kill and I would be right in the doorway of the main bunker, ready to empty it and take over the clifftop from within the defender's lines! My forward foot was just coming down on the cliff edge, my body bracing itself preparing to shoot, a slight, instantaneous weight shift on to my supporting leg as I brought the gun to bear...




      ...I slipped. My back foot went, the guy who say me had time to unleash a burst at my chest. As I fell, said burst ended up catching me straight in the face, 10 or so rounds. I slammed down on top of the RPK, cutting my hands, chest and cheek, bounced off it, and the gun and I tumbled all the way back down the cliff, covered in mud, blood and embarrassment.

      Those 7 or 8 guys in that bunker never knew how close they were!

      [Needless to say, since then I have employed the same tactic with a TM M9 pistol, and redeemed my honour by clearing the enemy base. I learnt that it's easier to drop your primary and stay balanced with a light pistol when ascending cliffs!]
      Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


      • #48
        Re: I Hope Nobody Saw That! Confession Time

        Had my glock raised up on a bit of cover, looking down the sights, trying to show as little of myself as possible. Nose lines up with the slide, I pull the trigger, slide flies back and hits me in the nose.

        Thankfully, only my pride was damaged!



        About the Author


        Viper Scout Find out more about Viper Scout