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goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

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  • goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

    Hi guys,

    So after reading of Bullseyes incident (GWS mate) I have had a serious rethink on my eye pro.

    So im gonna ditch the ballistic glasses, and was thinking something like V12's or possible Bolle Raids with the strap for a full seal and a mesh half mask but have been thinking about a paintball style mask as it just seems simpler, and cant really go wrong (...maybe).

    Anyway my questions are these:
    1. will a paintball mask offer adequate protection in airsoft, I don't know what energy paintball markers shoot at?
    2. how hard actually is it to get a decent sight picture,I will be using irons mainly?
    3. is there (apart from as stated about the ease) any significant pro's/cons's to each?
    4. I know obviously that the 2 goggles im looking at are ballistic rated to STANAG something or other, is there a similar system for paintball masks?

    also been looking at the PROTO thermal lensed paintball mask, anyone had any experience with one of these?

    Your help is much appreciated.


    P.S. sorry mods if this is the wrong section.

  • #2
    Re: goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

    Hi. I've used the Dye i4 paintball mask with the thermal lens for about 5-6 skirmishes now, on some of the coldest days and sweating like a right one. The lens DOES fog up but do take note. It only really fogs around the edges and doesn't affect vision in any way, at least for my experience. IMO, the Dye offers adequate protection for teeth, ears and eyes but I had to take it the extra mile just to make sure, I cut out some mesh and ziptied it into the mouth area. I've managed to get a very good sight picture with it as it does sit quite low profile to your face. I can't comment about pro's/con's too much but all I can say is that it's totally worth the money that you pay if you want a low profile, well built mask that covers the eyes and mouth area (while still being full seal and comfortable). I've managed to take a few hits to the lens now and it seems perfectly fine overall. I've managed to scratch the thing worse by slipping with a knife.

    From what I've heard, the Proto masks are quite good but the Dye's are supposedly better.

    Hope I can help in some way.


    • #3
      Re: goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

      brill cheers mate, will definitely look into them. Fogging around the edge im not too bothered about as im used to that from riding a motorbike through the winter at stupid o'clock to get to morning shifts.


      • #4
        Re: goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

        A 68 paintball will usually be travelling around 250-350 fps, and weigh a bit more than .25 g Paint may squirt through gaps in mesh, shards of the gel can actually cut , BB don't unless they shatter
        I use glasses and never found a proper working fix for paintballing, Even thermal lenses from JT fitted with cross-flow fans didn't prevent fogging back then
        and the fans could be heard from a few yards away,
        I like mesh as haven't heard of a BB shattering on them (yet) and mesh is cooler and less foggy

        hmm I have a motorbike fog city inner I might have to try in some goggles
        Never underestimate the power of human stupidity......................................... ..
        Especially mine.


        • #5
          Re: goggles and mesh mask or paintball mask for eye pro?

          Originally posted by Muppetdaze View Post

          hmm I have a motorbike fog city inner I might have to try in some goggles
          I was thinking if the fogging got really bad, I could drill 2 holes and use a pinlock, I know they are raved about but I found it to be the best so far, just don't particularly want to compromise the integrity of the mask.

          As I would be using the mask for airsoft paint wont be a problem. I don't mind a mesh lower but wouldn't entertain it over my eyes, bb's can shatter on mesh, I've heard that problem mainly from low grade bio-bb's though. Truth be told for me its not worth the risk as you don't know what people are actually running through their weapons.

          cheers for the insight and info matey.


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