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Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

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  • Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

    Hello all, I've been fumbling around with this idea for too long, and have noticed 101 'photographers' (read as people with cameras) posting airsoft photos for free on facebook so I imagine I know the answer BUT...

    I was wondering if you were at a game day and the option for you to buy prints or CD's or digital copies sent to you on the day, for £10 - £20 would you be interested?

    (obviously on the day you'd be able to see the shots beforehand, but for this thread please assume that they are decent.) would you be willing to shell out a bit extra to have professional photos of you on the day? (also please assume there isn't another photographer there giving them away for free obviously I'd avoid sites that had someone already).

    The reason I ask is because I'm contemplating trying to start this, partly to get a bit more cash as I am a freelance photographer and that's the only way I pay my rent, but also because I have been toying with the idea of conflict photography, and photojournalism. To do this I would need a solid portfolio behind me, and lots of experience before I even start looking for someone on the ground as a guide. Airsoft is a perfect practise, as well as being something I truly enjoy

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  • #2
    Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

    My feel on this is that generally, your best bet would be to either approach airsoft sites themselves with this kind of offer, or, aim for groups of players and airsoft teams, and make contact -before- a game day. Charge a little bit more, but focus on that team or group as a result.

    Reasoning being that with just "random" shots, you're only likely to get one two shots people would want to pay for of each player, at most - I see it as more likely that you'd probably get a dozen really good shots from a single game day, and then you're playing a lottery on whether or not the people you got were feeling poor that particular day, or not.

    I myself, if it was a good shot/good few shots, would be happy to shell out the prices above. However, I'd be even happier to get, say, 8 mates together, pay a tenner each, and guarantee three or four really good shots of us working together .


    • #3
      Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

      That is a fantastic idea, I hadn't considered approaching specific players before the event.
      I knew I'd have to ask the sites first and given that they have to pay for marshals rent and insurance ect I knew they wouldn't be up for paying for me themselves.

      thank you for that idea I will probably switch to that business model as it guarantees both players and myself an outcome from the day.

      Truth be told I could also flit about taking pictures of random players too, charging a single image fee.

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      • #4
        Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

        I suspect that either you'd have to work with groups of players rather than individuals - might be a bit pricey for individuals. You might get away with it on a game-by-game basis though. Pay X to have a photographer keep an eye on you during a game. I know it's egotistical, but there's a lot of dressing up for the mirror/camera in this sport anyway! :D. A note that you might also have to be prepared to offer refunds if they're not happy with the end result, you don't get any good shots, etc .

        As for sites, well, you never know, you might get lucky. Lots of sites don't have that many really good, high quality photographs of their sites up on the web, it's certainly worth asking!


        • #5
          Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

          Originally posted by Smintheus View Post
          I suspect that either you'd have to work with groups of players rather than individuals - might be a bit pricey for individuals. You might get away with it on a game-by-game basis though. Pay X to have a photographer keep an eye on you during a game. I know it's egotistical, but there's a lot of dressing up for the mirror/camera in this sport anyway! :D. A note that you might also have to be prepared to offer refunds if they're not happy with the end result, you don't get any good shots, etc .

          As for sites, well, you never know, you might get lucky. Lots of sites don't have that many really good, high quality photographs of their sites up on the web, it's certainly worth asking!
          firstly sorry for the stalkerishly quick reply my phone buzzes (thanks tapatalk)

          I was considering an idea which I won't broadcast as it's actually fantastic, but yes it would mean a group of players could split the cost. That being said £10 for 5+ photos isn't expensive at all for an individual. As for the refunds, I would be willing but hopefully it wouldn't come to that, I cover a lot of blink and you miss it things and so far *touch wood* I haven't missed the important photos yet.

          but you are right I would have to be prepared for that were I to completely balls up.

          I guess I'd approach sites after with a string of the best photos and then see if they were interested in purchasing them.

          of course I'd then have to get mode release forms HEADACHE!!!

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          • #6
            Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

            on two WW2 airsoft games i've been to we had a professional photographer who charged for pictures , on the first i purchased some and i'm debating how many to get from the second as we speak , the quality is far better than those of player photographer's who might just grab a few shot as and when , usually i take photo's when i'm dead or at meal break's so i miss the action shot's ,however the shot's during meal's are some of the most real ,in real warfare a soldier will generally be more likely to take pictures when he's safe so the en repose shot's at these themed event's can be more effective than the action shot's ,just a free tip.


            • #7
              Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

              Using airsoft as 'practice' for Combat (war journalism) is like practising skydiving by jumping off your both cases, the phrase "bad idea" springs to mind.

              As for making money, yeah, I think its a great idea. When I think I've been doing this hobby (on / off) for about 6 years and nothing to show but a collection of guns and an empty bank account, yeah, an album of my antics seems very attractive.....I'd pay a reasonable amount for a set of airsoft "combat" photos.


              • #8
                Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                Originally posted by dadio View Post
                on two WW2 airsoft games i've been to we had a professional photographer who charged for pictures , on the first i purchased some and i'm debating how many to get from the second as we speak , the quality is far better than those of player photographer's who might just grab a few shot as and when , usually i take photo's when i'm dead or at meal break's so i miss the action shot's ,however the shot's during meal's are some of the most real ,in real warfare a soldier will generally be more likely to take pictures when he's safe so the en repose shot's at these themed event's can be more effective than the action shot's ,just a free tip.
                Thanks for that good tip, you're entirely right especially on themed games I will look for those sorts of shots.

                Originally posted by silasloki View Post
                Using airsoft as 'practice' for Combat (war journalism) is like practising skydiving by jumping off your both cases, the phrase "bad idea" springs to mind.

                As for making money, yeah, I think its a great idea. When I think I've been doing this hobby (on / off) for about 6 years and nothing to show but a collection of guns and an empty bank account, yeah, an album of my antics seems very attractive.....I'd pay a reasonable amount for a set of airsoft "combat" photos.
                maybe not practise then, but perhaps as a means to get a portfolio, I'm well aware (and planning to) dive into the next protests / riots that happen. I'm fully aware that airsoft is as you say like jumping off my bed in prep for skydiving.

                Thanks for the feedback

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                • #9
                  Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                  Perhaps ask Stirling etc if you could be a photo journalist during a some of there games. You could get photos etc but risk getting captured well unless your taking pic's of the enemy by request. Might throw in that in the field thing your looking for?
                  "I sincerely hope your next shit is a hedgehog" loki7491
                  Life in the fast lane........


                  • #10
                    Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                    Originally posted by pacey View Post
                    Perhaps ask Stirling etc if you could be a photo journalist during a some of there games. You could get photos etc but risk getting captured well unless your taking pic's of the enemy by request. Might throw in that in the field thing your looking for?
                    that is a genius idea, though being captured could suck ¬¬
                    that being said it would throw in a scary element of realism.


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                    • #11
                      Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                      Not sure POWs clock off at 5 but hey.

                      I'd happily pay for decent game photos. It'd make a solid change from the blurry pictures of our backs, or that cheesy over-edited pretend explosion thing people keep doing.
                      Decent airsoft photos are a rare thing.

                      "Oh you're the guy kneeling by a corner. Interesting."

                      "Are you the guy with his hand up or the guy tiptoeing around the puddle?"

                      Well captured, correctly focussed, 'right place and right time' photos are like rocking horse shit.


                      • #12
                        Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                        Originally posted by RiflemanLizard View Post
                        Not sure POWs clock off at 5 but hey.

                        fair point, I shouldn't be flippant about that!

                        THANK YOU!!! the amount of times I have a rage about those things! ... the ... I'll edit it better syndrome ¬¬

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                        • #13
                          Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                          My local hires a professional photographer for the day. She charges £100 to the site for the entire day, and then £3 per digital download(or 4 for a tenner) to the individual via her website. She's there most games so I imagine she's making a fair bit! I certainly buy a few photos from each skirmish.


                          • #14
                            Re: Would you pay money for professional photos of you on the field?

                            Originally posted by Coski View Post
                            My local hires a professional photographer for the day. She charges £100 to the site for the entire day, and then £3 per digital download(or 4 for a tenner) to the individual via her website. She's there most games so I imagine she's making a fair bit! I certainly buy a few photos from each skirmish.
                            I didn't think sites would shell that much out!
                            but it is certainly a worthy investment it makes the site look better (providing the tog is good)

                            If I could get a gig like that I'd be happy.

                            thanks for the info

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                            bobfish Find out more about bobfish