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Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

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  • Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

    Hello all

    Got a fairly mobile loadout being worked on for cqb and urban type games which has been working well. Looking to pickup a gas SMG to use and wanted something on the cheaper end but also 1 handable. Been looking at the MP9's but the mac 11's also caught my eyes due to their sheer rate of fire. However I have a few concerns.

    1. Are they upgradeable? specifically can you replace the hop rubber and barrel with standard off the shelf ones? ie if I wanted to extend the barrel a bit.
    2. Just how unreliable are they? hear lots about them being high maintenance and prone to faults but wondering if that was down to older models.
    3. What brands are worth it and what are ones to avoid. KWA I suspect is decent but what about the Well clone ones?
    4. What sort of range can they achieve with semi decent accuracy?

    Maybe that a mp9 is a better bet overall but wanted to explore this avenue first as its a bit smaller but has the same ability for a stock etc. So if you've experience with one please weigh in, though as always keep it civil



  • #2
    Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

    I can comment on technical reliability, but I always prefered the look of the Mac's over the TMP. They are pure business! No messing around 😄

    Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


    • #3
      Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

      They wont win any competitions vs electric counterparts. However theyre fun. Thats what counts for me. CQB theyre fine however outdoors you have to play accordingly to the lack of decent range and ammo cap (or carry 10 mags). Reloading the mags isnt quick even with the adaptor. Also have to clean after use because they accumulate filth like a hooker

      The magazines have good capacity. As expected gas is a pain in the arse in winter but no problemo at the moment. The hop thats in both my pre ns2 macs is pretty good and the only upgrade im considering is a custom extended barrel if i ever get around to it to push its range and fps.

      Ive been told the ns2 is more reliable (even though ive never had issues with mine) and even better on gas consumption
      Oderint Dem Metuant


      • #4
        Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

        The macs are awesome fun. I have a pair of them. The only issues I have ever had with mine is a broken air nozzle (the arm that takes the BB from the mag into the hop unit)

        I also have the MP9 which is simply fantastic. Of the two I prefer the MP9 as the stock and fore-grip make it a more manageable gun for those aimed shots. On full auto the rof is actually faster than the Mac.

        If you get a MP9 get it chrono'd in the shop prior to purchase. You may need to get a low power bolt or experiment with different gasses to get it to site safe limits.

        The down side to both guns is the cost of the mags at circa £50 each.


        • #5
          Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

          What brand are your macs fenrir? And what range roughly do you get out of then, and also how does that compare to the mp9 range wise?



          • #6
            Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

            i have an older pre system 7 ksc with the magnesium bolt , you just have to accept what they are in term's of upgrades ,but look what you get , silly ROF ,big noise ,total grin factor .
            i did an extended barrel for mine but then i have a lath and mill to play with ,yes it considerably increased accuracy but at the cost of making it a bigger gun ,it's like getting an mp5k and extending the barrel into a silencer , you might as well get a bigger gun to begin with .
            reliability wise with the older style like mine the only issue was mag's sticking but that's just maintenance. the well g11 has the older style internals of the ksc pre sys7 but the magnesium bolt is a must on that type and they are rare as hen's teeth these days , the magazines on them have valve issues as well but a little tinkering can make them work ,to be honest i'd avoid the Well version as if it breaks there are no spares made any more.


            • #7
              Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

              Fair enough. Is the offer styles range much different from the newer?

              And so the barrels are a special size?

              Sent from my PadFone 2 using Tapatalk


              • #8
                Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                I got the KWA MP9, and didn't have to get the downgrade bolt...

                Fires bang-on 350 on a boiling day with Abbey Ultra.

                The only issue I've had (and it's recurring) is the upper receiver seperating from the lower... But I seem to be the only person with this issue!

                I've sorted it before, but now that same method doesn't work...
                "I are God, lol."


                • #9
                  Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                  Any barrel can be cut and refinished. A local machine would probably do it at a reasonable price.

                  Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


                  • #10
                    Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                    This is why I considered the well. If it turns out to not suit me too well I'm only out seventy bucks or so

                    Sent from my PadFone 2 using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                      Originally posted by Azarken View Post
                      1. Are they upgradeable? specifically can you replace the hop rubber and barrel with standard off the shelf ones? ie if I wanted to extend the barrel a bit.
                      2. Just how unreliable are they? hear lots about them being high maintenance and prone to faults but wondering if that was down to older models.
                      3. What brands are worth it and what are ones to avoid. KWA I suspect is decent but what about the Well clone ones?
                      4. What sort of range can they achieve with semi decent accuracy?
                      1. No, not really. You are pretty much getting the fixed unit and that is about it. There isn't that much in the way of parts to replace etc.
                      2. Older models are very hit and miss. New ones fare a lot better but even then you will need to clean them a lot, particularly as like the real gun they fire from an open bolt.
                      3. If you are getting one and plan to properly stick with it you have to go for a KWA. The Well ones are prone to issues and don't work as well as the KWA on which it is based. But it is cheaper should you be undecided.
                      4. I would say putting chest sized hits out to 15-20m isn't too hard. Beyond that you might need a few more shots to be sure. Using the full auto is a waste of time as it only really works up close and spraying a burst at someone 5m away is hardly nice.

                      68 Pistols and counting in over 8 years of airsoft.
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                      • #12
                        Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                        sadly i sold my mac11 it used to put such a smile on my face ... the noise it made was tremendous. You can hit a barn door but you need to use half the mag to do so, that's okay though the ROF is crazy fast so you can dump a mag in 2 seconds.

                        Loading the mags was a ball ache.

                        As for upgrading yes it can be done, and done nicely too. Suppressor, longer barrel, red dot, nicer hopup rubber.

                        but you'll have to spend money on it, just putting in a longer barrel won't do sh*t as it will still spray the bb's everywhere.

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                        • #13
                          Re: Mac 11's created equal and upgradeable?

                          But it's not a standard barrel?

                          Sent from my PadFone 2 using Tapatalk


                          About the Author


                          Azarken Retired airsofter looking to get back into it Find out more about Azarken