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Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

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  • Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

    Hi All,

    Just got hold of a new Glock that I'm looking to get stippled. I would do it myself, but I've seen quite a few awful stippling jobs in the past, so want someone to do it who actually knows what they're doing.

    So, who does it? if there are members on here who do it, feel free to drop me a PM. I will need to see pics of previous work done though, as it's a lot to trust someone with

    Thanks all,

  • #2
    Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

    I didi it myself and it's not too bad. I bought a cheap soldering iron with a needle pointed tip and took my time. Have an idea of where you want stippled (as some do it too much but that is down to personal taste) and go light to start off with until you get to where you want. Some do it with a flat tip to get a different effect, again it's all down to personal preference.
    I know of a chap that does it and I like that look that he does but he doesn't frequent on here but another forum and FB.


    • #3
      Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?


      What sort of stippling are you after?

      Firstly , buy a set of grips, cheap ones , that will fit your glock
      secondly, use a dremmel or soldering iron,

      can even use a cordless screwdriver with the right drill bit/chamfer bit


      add masking tape and use the drill,/ hot iron between the lines

      the reason getting other people to do this cost's money, ids because it's simple but time consuming
      Never underestimate the power of human stupidity......................................... ..
      Especially mine.


      • #4
        Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

        i dont understand why people do it. yeah it improves grip marginally but your not firing live rounds surely it doesnt make that much difference. i would never do it to one of mine but then again id never paint one of my rifles thats another thing i think it a bit marmite


        • #5
          Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

          I'm with you on that Smiffy. Given the choice between identical rifles, one cheaper with a krylon dusting, the other slightly more expensive without paint, I'd take the second option. Seen some stippling efforts, not really my thing.

          Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


          • #6
            Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

            On the other hand it does individualise your kit amongst many other glocks. I've stippled my glock and it does feel somewhat better but more importantly I got bored one night and thought meh, I'll give it a punt.
            Ditto with kryloning, it does make the weapon harder to see but that is secondary to the fact that my m4 is unique in a sea of armalites.
            In the forces where everyone was issued identical gear a lot of stock was placed on looking ally or like an old sweat. This was done by modifying kit, private purchasing or just liberal applications of black nasty. Why should airsofters be different?
            "The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."
            George Carlin


            • #7
              Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

              Got a glock that should be arriving any day now. Was thinking the same thing. Watched a few videos on YouTube. Just got out a old mag and give it a go. It takes a long time but it's quite easy. Here's said mag will be doing my glock when it arrives and will upload pictures.



              • #8
                Re: Pistol Frame Stippling - who does it?

                Sorry for the double post but took delivery of my pmags today so got one stippled up. Just another 5 to go . Also got the glock frame sanded down ready for the iron when I get the chance


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                aaron-hill09 Find out more about aaron-hill09