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What does it for you?

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  • What does it for you?

    Seeing as it is exam time - I'm procrastinating with a vengeance.

    What is it about airsoft that does it for you? - is it having the best kit? looking the best?

    stress relief? venting manly urges?

    I long ago reached the point that having a particular load-out or gun no longer did it for me. - I've owned most of the guns - I am no geardo. and my kit looks gash. and frankly I couldn't give a rats arse if people think I'm crap based on the way I look.

    I do it for the game - I like the challenge that is offered by hunting another human being. (in the sane sense)

    I like trying to be better that my opponent. - my kit; whilst not very pretty is all very good and serves a purpose.

    so what do you think?

    Originally posted by Coz
    Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course. sniping tactics thread.

  • #2
    Re: What does it for you?

    I enjoy the hunt. And the 'kill'.


    • #3
      Re: What does it for you?

      The camaraderie.
      Everyone goes on about how inspiring the story of Anne Frank is, but when I keep a little jewish girl in my attic suddenly THATS NOT OK?


      • #4
        Re: What does it for you?

        I love just being able to play a game with people that share the same passion and not be embarrassed to talk about air soft around them which you cant really do with most other people.

        And providing your playing with a good group of people it can all so be amusing and make the day a hell of alot of fun! E.G Me and my friends tend to do "field f****" whilst shooting at people or just do our signature dance "poonanny dance"

        Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 28 April, 2010, 09:13.
        "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his

        General George S.patton

        Dboys AK74U with Samson rail (y)


        • #5
          Re: What does it for you?

          Runnin' and gunnin'
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napolean


          • #6
            Re: What does it for you?

            The turning up hungover on a sunday and just having a laugh with my mates. And the big nasty artery-clogging burger at lunchtime*.

            *Well, i more miss this. Diets suck.


            • #7
              Re: What does it for you?

              Cameraderie of my team, the adrenaline. I like doing loadouts but find myself graduating more and more to cheap/functional (the second which sadly often outweighs the first).


              • #8
                Re: What does it for you?

                Originally posted by gijohn2 View Post
                Me and my friends tend to do "field f****" whilst shooting at people
                You do WHAT?! :p
                Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 28 April, 2010, 09:13.


                • #9
                  Re: What does it for you?

                  being able to play "soldiers" with the guns we always wanted as kids :D but were never able to have (or in my case didnt exist back then lol)

                  'so long, and thanks for all the fish'


                  • #10
                    Re: What does it for you?

                    Well i do it for fun, and to test out my fieldcraft skills etc, inc hunting


                    • #11
                      Re: What does it for you?

                      I enjoy being a toy soldier and all that it brings with it.

                      I have nice gear but not to any specific load out, functional over aperance for me.
                      Gun tech.

                      AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



                      • #12
                        Re: What does it for you?

                        for a few hours i get to be jack bauer / john preston / insert action hero name. escapism? not really - i enjoy my life. but there's nothing wrong with making it more exciting sometimes.

                        i love the guns, the gear, the blowback of my gbbs.

                        i enjoy the adrenaline as you say, and the shaking in your hands during that first game when your adrenal gland goes 'oops - time to get to work,' then the agony in your legs the next day.

                        the hunt, being hunted, the danger and excitement. the stealth and sam fisherness. i love anything that makes me feel more alive, because i'm brought closer to death. airsoft only simulates this, but it gives me the same rush as driving fast or jumping from a building.

                        the social side, the silliness and teamwork. the competativeness, but then the 'nice kill mate, you shot me in the lip,' that you wouldn't find in any other sport.

                        the internet forums (or forum) and how i can waste hours at work looking at guns and silly comments, or always count on a new pointless newbie thread to amuse me on my iphone on the train to work.

                        Youtube Channel:

                        Facebook Page:


                        • #13
                          Re: What does it for you?

                          You had me worried on the first few lines of the original op I thought I had joined special mens club lol

                          I do it for a decent work out and competitive team play.


                          • #14
                            Re: What does it for you?

                            alot of things make me do airsoft, the "realism" (of the RIFs anyway), seeing all my mates, having a good time and a laugh and most importantly where else can you legally shoot your mate in the balls with a pistol with very little consequences?!

                            Oh and macka, stop procrastinating! Reward yourself if you do well in your exams with a new toy!
                            Last edited by aribos; 27 April, 2010, 18:28.

                            This Post may contain my opinions and if you disagree with them Tough S**T!


                            • #15
                              Re: What does it for you?

                              Well for me originally i wanted realism.

                              hence why im quitting now (family fault) but once i sell my gear up and work for a bit ill finally be able to achieve my original dream get a a GBB rifle etc.

                              Want to do it properly this time when i come back for the weekender.

                              but also for fun like a ghillie suit dpms and a arse load of knives strapped to you (I WILL DO IT!)


                              About the Author


                              Lt. Macka A work offshore in the North Sea. Depending on Internet connection and how busy I am, I'm typically more active on the forums when I'm away offshore. When I'm ashore I'm generally busy with various hobbies. Find out more about Lt. Macka