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People power...(via piss taking)

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  • People power...(via piss taking)

    Has anyone noticed, that by our deluge of piss taking some time back, we've managed to more or less eradicate the embarrassing and rather laughable spectacle, of airsofters pixelating their faces in action photo's on this forum..? , well done us I say..
    "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.

  • #2
    Re: People power...(via piss taking)

    I have a Friend who cannot have his face shown as he works .... Well something vague in counter terrorism ,so I don't have a problem with face pixalated picture's ,I know a few in the WW2 community who'd loos their job's if their hobby came to their boss's attention especially those who do German ! For some people it's no joke but the people I'm talking about just don't have photo's taken in the first place !


    • #3
      Re: People power...(via piss taking)

      Personally though not really an ugly person, I'm not photogenic :D

      I would pixelate my face out or be doing nothing but comic book poses


      • #4
        Re: People power...(via piss taking)

        would you like to have your face plastered all over the news with the headline "extremist training camp"

        people HAVE the right to not want their faces shown, and it's their choice no matter what. Whether they're Military personnel, Police, a banker, or someone who works in a supermarket, it's all down to personal security.
        The Gear Box Destroyer


        • #5
          Re: People power...(via piss taking)

          TBF you need to not use facebook anymore, as their T&C has been changed so you have no privacy PERIOD.

          Considering the wrong photo on facebook and other social media sites, can get you the sack, expelled from your school, you name it...

          Suddenly I'm all 'None of your business'


          • #6
            Re: People power...(via piss taking)

            Eh. Its all levels isn't it? I've done my share of humorous digs, but as said, some people need the privacy for professional reasons.

            But you know, being offended by people doing this is something that'd be worth a little perspective: While as a regular airsofter I might be tempted to look down on guys who take it so seriously they blur their faces to look "operator" (I just died a little inside writing that), there are actual veterans who think the whole of airsoft is risible and that we airsofter are the most pathetic creatures to walk the earth.

            If from where you are standing it's legitimate to think that taking the piss should stop folks from blurring their photos, then perhaps we should just sell all our gear because there are folk who take the piss out of airsoft in general?


            • #7
              Re: People power...(via piss taking)

              I dunno, with all this personal liberties being bypassed by the guise of terrorism. Just vet what you post better.


              • #8
                Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                So if people choose not to post their faces up on the internet they should be embarrassed and have the piss taken out of them?
                Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
                I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
                Originally posted by deanfirst
                why not use zeroone's escort service?


                • #9
                  Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                  As long as we respect peoples choice, and piss take the ones that do post em :D


                  • #10
                    Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                    Maybe a bit of banter/ribbing, but hounding people? If that's the case, I'll be handing out a few 'slaps'!
                    Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
                    I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
                    Originally posted by deanfirst
                    why not use zeroone's escort service?


                    • #11
                      Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                      I think this entire thread is just generally horrible and a demonstration of what is wrong with the sport.....and people in general. Just because you are in a place where you can comfortably combine your passion for airsoft and your professional work life (assuming you have one), doesn't mean we all can.

                      As has been stated numerous times there are multiple reasonable reasons for not wanting your real identity and airsoft identity to be linked including job security and privacy. Without adding on all the rubbish happening in belgium where pics of airsofters are being called out as terrorist training camps, can't imagine it will make any of their job hunts easier, especially if they work in a sensitive field.

                      I put black boxes on the few pics of me and my friends that I post. 1 reason is job security, companies do research people's personal profiles before hiring them and if one of us is looking for a job, that would suck if it counted against them. A couple of the guys I play with are current serving members of the forces and don't want their pics shown, so to assist with hiding them, we cover all the faces and some just are fed up with explaining what airsoft is and why we do it etc. so it just makes life easier to have that separation. We also try not to reference any names or personal accounts. My personal FB profile is heavily sanitised of all airsoft related stuff as much as possible.

                      Sorry we don't all live in your liberal freedom bubble where ignorant opinions, such as the sneering smug one you have demonstrated , don't affect people's real lives, but some people have genuine reasons for not wanting to mix their airsoft and personal identities such as ensuring they can continue to pay their mortgages and feed their families.


                      • #12
                        Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                        I don't think I've ever seen a thread where everybody has disagree'd with the OP before ,it's about the only positive I can see here .


                        • #13
                          Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                          Well , I wasn't the original poster here, (though I did agree with him at the time) and this was intended as a bit of a giggle, but some of the points raised here are rather valid, I admit, but what the original poster was getting at ,was the idea some people had of putting profile pictures up with pixelated faces, which is purely "Waltdom", if you don't want your face in the frame don't post that type of profile pic, it only looks silly, you're just playing soliers and not actually a 14 int or SAS operator, get used to it, (remember the infamous Major Mcavoy, at the grave of John Mac, walting gone mad, and bloody disrespectful too.)if howerever, you are posting good game pics but choose not to be seen, well I see nothing at all wrong with blanking faces there whatsoever......I just have way too much respect for our troops both past and present, to be a fan of walting. (sorry if resurrecting it upset anyone though, certainly didn't mean too )
                          "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.


                          • #14
                            Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                            Im fine with people pixilating their faces. Even if its just to look operator.

                            I find photos of people dressed up as morons in onesies, with full face masks, using two tone guns, or wearing hawaiian shirts offensive. I wouldnt dream of ripping on them to the point of encouraging them to leave. They make their choice and sadly i have to respect it. Same applies in reverse.

                            They would also be well within their rights to tell you or i to "f*ck yourself". And id wholeheartedly support them doing so. Baring in mind this is well before the actual issue of people needing to maintain privacy due to their jobs. Which is even more justifiable. As for "stay off facebook", welcome to 1890 grandad.
                            AUTHOR OF ALL YOUR PAIN.


                            • #15
                              Re: People power...(via piss taking)

                              Fair points all round ....especially the stay off face book stuff that's asking a lot (who suggested that?) I still think profile pics though, should either show your face or use something else, or nothing at all... just my opinion though..
                              "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.


                              About the Author


                              steve grey I work as a singer, all over but mostly UK, also have a property business Find out more about steve grey