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Pictures of YOU on the field

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  • johnnyj
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    me at swat urban chester

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    Guest replied
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Day @ Groundwar Airsoft Afonwen North Wales

    Me on the left.

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  • guard-sniper87
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Few of me at F+O Matlock

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  • portermush
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    me at groundzero plan B sometime:

    i'm the little dude at the front, as delta's get the case

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  • Queboo12
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by hitter22 View Post
    happy days
    Thought I recognised those benches and that forest hehe. Love it at thornbury. Do you still play?

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  • JMusa
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    me closest and barrett50carrott on the left of me

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  • Trust
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    The last photos of me on field were taken 2 1/2 years ago, weird to see my old gear.

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  • Nek
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by hitter22 View Post
    happy days
    Thornbury! Good man! :D

    Me at Lulsgate, I'm the one thats aiming.

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  • Fluxeor
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Not many that I'm aware of, but my profile pic is from last years GZ Weekender and there's this one (got a bigger version with more people in it somewhere) ..

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  • hitter22
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    happy days

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  • B.E.N.
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Thanks Delta!

    Obviously, I didn't take those ones myself, but my boss did... He's the editor of a photography magazine and he's really good at getting stuck in. He came for a game and is going to write an article on the experience. He really enjoyed it.

    As for the kit, I think I've handed over less than a hundred quid for the whole lot... Few hand me downs from mates and such. I really want some tan Oakley boots next... Plus I got rid of those awful viper knee pads! They sucked the fat one.

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  • Delta
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    B.E.N I always love your photos... they are brilliant! nice kit you have there aswell

    you legs look very odd in the last picture! just noticed! :p

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  • B.E.N.
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Here's a couple from a month or so ago...

    Me nearest the camera on this one...

    Much needed rest during Milsim day...

    Applying medic attention to team mate...

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  • gijohn2
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by MJ Caboose2170 View Post
    do vids count as ive been caught on one from grange farm and hopefully if the asylum 1 gets the promo one put up im in that one as well
    but no actual ingame shots
    hmm i suppose so :P

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  • MJ Caboose2170
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    do vids count as ive been caught on one from grange farm and hopefully if the asylum 1 gets the promo one put up im in that one as well
    but no actual ingame shots

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gijohn2 I like Trains. Find out more about gijohn2