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Pictures of YOU on the field

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  • CKinnerley
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Couple taken by the site owner yesterday at Red 1 in Watford. Not as cool looking as some of the sites a lot of you guys have been playing, but it's definitely good for some really close-up airsofting.

    And one taken by my brother on my phone:

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  • steven seagull
    Me and pat at nomad airsoft, serious face on

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  • ElZer0
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field


    Ha ha, I just noticed you can see me in this old pic!! I miss that site

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  • eatthis
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by Bleh View Post
    Most recent pics of me at SWAT Area51

    (attached was taken at Ace Airsoft)

    ello kevin

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    Guest replied
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Latest video from us is Here

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  • Boo-Sabum Ben

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  • eyley
    Recent one of me and my team mate with our new GR4s

    Sent from my POS galaxyS3 using Tapatalk 2

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  • AshUMP
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

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  • L3w151988
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    A few recent ones of me, sporting US MultiCam:

    A bit blurry, but I think I was moving about quite a bit at the time:

    I'm on the left:

    And from the most recent shoot I was at, end of September this year:

    All photos were taken down at my regular site.

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  • mack
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

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  • sam_G
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Got a few more of me......

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  • Moole Oner
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    some shots of me playing at my local site at the weekend. im in multicam with desert marpat shirt

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  • Menashem
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    552054_428770190504035_1835474419_n.jpg305017_428770143837373_696871713_n.jpgFrom a rather nice outing yesterday at SG-1, Bellaghy, complete with very manly pink tape for team identifcation. I presume someone on our team upset the marshals when it came to picking out colour markings

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  • NEWT
    At the rock on sunday

    Im on the left

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  • Delta
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Some pictures of me and my boys from the NAE

    The group of us at the Saturday briefing

    Me at Charlie Firebase waiting to regroup and get new orders

    Me prepped for the game

    I'm at the front in the helmet

    Stolen from Popular Airsoft I'm crouching down on the right..

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gijohn2 I like Trains. Find out more about gijohn2