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Pictures of YOU on the field

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  • tisane
    Second from the right, at the end of a blistering hot first shoot at raf honiley.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • guard-sniper87
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Haha , not a change mate

    Shady stamford and Mouth

    will all confirm the range of it

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  • Utorak
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Nice, well it doesnt just look good then!

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  • guard-sniper87
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    never needed one mate ,

    always went straight and true and still does

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  • Utorak
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    That L96 looks awesome without a scope..

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  • guard-sniper87
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    few old pics of me and the lads at MATLOCK COMBAT GAMES

    myself in the middle with the Masada

    Me with the TM M4 SD , and the Maruzen l96

    Me with the masada and my mate

    Me and anton again , with TM M4 SD

    Me with the Maruzen L96

    Me with full team

    With the L96 again

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  • Kingwell
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Couple pics of Sam-S.O taken yesterday at GZW.. excuse the quality, blackberry cameras are sh!t

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  • Snakeh
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    When's the next game there? As two of my team are telling the rest of us 2 different days... Is it this Sunday coming or next Sunday (1st august)?

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  • slartybartfast
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    me at R.A.W (run around the woods) tendering

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  • Another
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Pictures from today at Fearful.

    Got pretty hot towards the end of the afternoon so most of the kit came off during the pistols versus AEGs game.

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  • matthewsmith
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by murta369 View Post
    its not not northern alliance exclusive pal its just a traditional afghan hat in general
    From the research I did the hat is mainly worn in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Pakol is also known as the Masood hat which is a reference to the leader of the Northern Alliance Ahmed Shah Masood who stood against the Taliban in Afghanistan. But I never said it was exclusive to the Northern Alliance.

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  • murta369
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    Originally posted by matthewsmith View Post
    The loadout was inspired by an article in AI. Its based around the SBS operating in Afghanistan. I added the Pakol, which is the traditional hat worn by the Northern Alliance, as head stikes hurt.
    its not not northern alliance exclusive pal its just a traditional afghan hat in general

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  • matthewsmith
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    The loadout was inspired by an article in AI. Its based around the SBS operating in Afghanistan. I added the Pakol, which is the traditional hat worn by the Northern Alliance, as head stikes hurt.

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  • Genista
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    @ super... Angled vs flat magwell?

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  • tomodj
    Re: Pictures of YOU on the field

    team alpha dogs iow,

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gijohn2 I like Trains. Find out more about gijohn2