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VFC 416 magazines

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  • VFC 416 magazines

    Hey, title suggests it all. After decent midcaps that feeds well and wont fall apart the minute a hedgehog farts on them. I have looked at Magpul magazines which are all either out of stock or sold for £25 for one, I'd need at least 8. I have looked at G&P 120 polymer from across the atlantic, but reviews suggest they really dont work well. I've also looked at elite force midcaps from across the pond, but again reviews dont bode well.

    Overhere I've see the ASG box of 10 from zero one which seem pretty decent but no idea how they would work or feed. So any suggestions or is Magpul my only hope, it'll be hard to justify spending over £100 on just 5 mags for now.

    Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    Re: VFC 416 magazines

    I've got a G&G 120rnd polymer. I bought it the other day to test compatability with my fussy G&G M4.

    Feeds perfectly in both my M4 and WE SCAR-L. It's a tight fit in the M4, exactly wide enough for the well, but it's secure and meets the hop perfectly. It's fine in the SCAR.

    One neat feature is the follower extends out of the mag enough to feed every last BB, and its a good indicator of which mags in your pouch are expended. Build quality is great, very sturdy, with decent weight.

    Conversely, a genuine PTS mag that belongs to a friend simply wouldn't fit the G&G full stop (the hop seems to sit a mm further forward than some mags allow), and felt flimsier. This was the old model, mind.


    • #3
      Re: VFC 416 magazines

      Might be worth re-considering them then, I've started to look at Ares mid-caps as well. I might pick up one G&G just to try it out when the 416 arrives and see how it handles.


      • #4
        Re: VFC 416 magazines

        They're cheap enough to try without too much risk.


        • #5
          Re: VFC 416 magazines

          True, I've just seen a single magazine for £11.99 and a pack of 5 with a speed loader for £44. Cant really argue with those prices.


          • #6
            Re: VFC 416 magazines

            Okay, well I ordered a set of black G&G mids from a non-existent Land based retailer, and they fit and feed fine in all three of my guns.

            Minimal wobble, a little tighter than I'm used to, but very usable. They are solid, and the speedloader seems well made, but time will tell on that front!

            As a bonus, they are apparently compatible with Magpul ranger plates.
            Last edited by RitchieTheBrit; 18 April, 2015, 10:03.


            • #7
              Re: VFC 416 magazines

              Excellent, given that I'll definitely pick some up. I'll be getting mag assists not ranger plates but who knows, I change my mind more times than a woman changes dresses


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