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Event site scenario's, what would you like to see ?

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  • Event site scenario's, what would you like to see ?

    Every time I game I shout up, can we do a game where you wear Shorts and a T-shirt, the look of horror on most faces is a treat. Oh yes you are going to feel the pain and yes I probably will be hit.
    Imagine those who don't take their hits, now imagine the smile on your face. Anyone remember the man in a lime green mankini at a NAE some time back.

    Another idea is a gauntlet style event, where as a team of 6 or so walk through a village, corridor, set of rooms or a open area from one side to another without being hit. Everyone gets a chance against everyone else.
    Maybe the site can even offer a team that makes it, a bottle of bb's or something as a prize.

    Yes, Mil-sim, re enactment and recon then clear games are great. Every now and then I need to purge, my mates and I shoot each other(safely).

    What do you think. Any idea's to freshen up this sport. We know game site owners read this site, so post your thought's.
    sigpic" Only the living cry for war's end, the dead are quite relaxed about it "

  • #2
    Re: Event site scenario's, what would you like to see ?

    I hate to qoute COD but bear with me

    Domination 3 flags around the map teams have to capture and hold for points flags can be taken by the enemy after killing everyone and taking their place.

    Means peiple would always be at one of the flags and mass murder and gunfire ensues

    Or search and destroy a target a team defends attackers have a bomb it has a 30sec countdown with an audible boom

    I think they would be cool

    I guess everyone has seen the nuke town airsoft site in the states that looks awesome


    • #3
      Re: Event site scenario's, what would you like to see ?

      As much as I'm sure many airsofters would hate to admit it, a lot of games in video games like COD translate well into airsoft because they are invariably very simple at the core. You could pretty much go down a Call of Duty game type list and explain how they could work on the airsoft field. For example...

      Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch- We've all done them, they're arguably the dullest game you can play, but don't fix what ain't broke. Two regen points or zones, teams face off against each other and simply hammer each other until times up or one team runs out of lives

      Kill Confirmed- Adds an interesting twist on standard death match style games. Works well in CQC/CQB. Place a bag of tokens at each teams regen point (Poker chips for example). Each player carries one onto the field. Upon being hit, he shouts hit, and starts loudly counting down (from lets say, 15). If the attacker can get to him and tap him before he 'bleeds out', he gets the token. Team with the most opposing team tokens at time up wins.

      S&D- Teams are split into attackers and defenders. Attackers have to get to an objective and 'blow it up' (bonus points if real pyro is used). Simply switch it round and compare times. Add no regen to make it interesting.

      King of the hill- Don't even need to explain that one. Ends up being an interesting variation on attackers V defenders, as the teams can switch over. Can work very well if you limit regen to the defending team. Moment the attackers capture the hill, all those dead defenders come rushing back to life...

      Barebones- Same as other games, just with pistols and shotties

      Sabotage- One central bomb, get it into the other teams base.

      Virus- Big group of defenders. Little group of attackers. Defenders join the attackers when hit. Attackers slowly wipe out the defenders.

      As you can see, they are dead easy to explain. Nothing more frustrating to a marshal than the confused players. That's why the work well on the airsoft field.

      As for the OP, You want to run around in T-shirts and shorts be my guest. But frankly I've no interest in playing a game purely for the extra 'pain'. If I'm going to do a 'pain game' (which, for the record, goes against all the ideas of sportsmanship and honour in airsoft) it's going to be with players I trust not to be monumental twats and not just unload into some poor sod because they think it's funny, because, let's face it, he'll be the same one not taking his hits, and if he's deliberately cheating in that game, he's going to deliberately cheat in another.

      Now your gauntlet idea isn't too bad. But the brutal fact is that I've yet to see a group of 6 attackers make it through a well defended location. It might work if you put a small team of super experienced players against a horde of newbies, but what happens when the teams get switched around. I think that could work with a more staggered approach- four teams of 6 for example, one attacks, three defend three different locations, fast time wins. But again, simple is really sweet with airsoft in my experience. Add spice to something that's already working, rather than try and build something from the ground up with a mouthful of chilies. Because then all you get is a mouthful of chilies.
      G&G TR15 Raider XL, CA G36K, G&G MP5A4, Cyma Thompson, APS AKS-74U, Custom TM Uzi, DE M56, WE Nighthawk X2, Cyma Glock 18C
      RD Customs MG42, The Bone Cannon And Project Balderdash.

      If you aren't laughing, you're doing it wrong.


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      Chewybacka Find out more about Chewybacka