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Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

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  • Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

    A more common sight on most airsoft supplier websites seems to be the training knife range from Cold Steel. In the past I've seen these as well as small foam axes and a lot more.
    My questions are; What do you own? How do you carry it? or what would you like to see in the future even for the novelty of it.

  • #2
    Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

    I can understand various items to complete a look bayonets ect... as long as there all plastic or rubber, i own a whole host of stuff mostly ww2 silicon bayonet and fighting knives to complete the outfit dont really ever use them mind just for outfits, i do have a tomahawk as well just for strapping to back of plate carrer for the breacher look, again dont think id like to use or have one used on me could cause various arguments wth the wrong people or encourage others to use more enthusiastcally.


    • #3
      Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

      I was covering a stairwell, I was lying down with my barrel inches from the person who came up the stairs, obviously I couldn't shoot him that close as he was wearing only eyepro, so I would have appreciated a foam sword or katana to poke him with

      LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
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      • #4
        Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

        Gotta agree, in principle melee weapons are OK when used among mates, but charging towards a stranger wildly swinging a tomahawk, or being vigorously jabbed with even a rubber knife would piss off some players.


        • #5
          Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

          This may piss people off but its my opinion, any time is see a player with a axe or sword strapped to there back i automatically think knob head. It looks absolutely silly,
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          • #6
            Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

            Rubber knife, taped to the shoulder straps of my plate carrier. I always find that a clearing of the throat followed by a tap on the shoulder on an unexpected enemy player and a nice little whisper in their ear saying "knife kill" always works best.

            Every site that I've gone when the question of any sort of melee weapon has been brought up during the Safety/Rules Talk they have always say just a tap on the shoulder (don't go full Rambo and try to jam it into their stomach) and say "knife kill" to avoid any arguments.


            • #7
              Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

              Originally posted by ukpred View Post
              This may piss people off but its my opinion, any time is see a player with a axe or sword strapped to there back i automatically think knob head. It looks absolutely silly,
              Lol, deffo.......last time went to the states had an epic battle with my son in the aisle of target (store), they had a great selection of Nerf swords & axes, BUT that stuff is suited to larp, airsoft is primarily guns & marksmanship, "knife" kill is just as easily achieved with a two fingered prod ?.


              • #8
                Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                Originally posted by tackle View Post
                "knife" kill is just as easily achieved with a two fingered prod ?
                Agreed, especially since the alternative is so stupid. During my last game they explicitly said if we didn't have rubber knives we couldn't do knife kills. I don't own a rubber knife, so when I got the drop on some opposition I tapped them on the shoulder and whispered 'Dead!'. They looked me up and down, and after a few seconds said "But you don't have a knife!". Fortunately sighing heavily and producing a pistol got them to hastily agree that they'd rather take the kill than get shot at point blank range.

                Some people just don't recognise when you've got the drop on them.


                • #9
                  Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                  Lol, gotta have the theatrical Sigh when you stick a gun under their nose.


                  • #10
                    Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                    Rubber m9 knife with the shit plastic handle taken off.
                    Slips into my belt for knife kills.
                    Local site states no melee weapon no kill.
                    I've had the same argument as puresilver. Tapped a guy on the shoulder said knife kill. He took it then questioned where my knife was.
                    Told him I didn't have one, he took his death already. He tried to raise his gun so I shot him in the plate carrier....

                    Some people


                    • #11
                      Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                      How could you expect someone to take a knife kill if you didn't have a knife??

                      Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                        The point of a knife kill isn't to poke someone with a rubber knife/axe/katana, it's that the victim has failed to watch their six to the extent that you can sneak up behind them to within touching distance without them noticing. If I'm standing right behind you in real warfare, I can poke holes in you with a knife, sure, but I can also buttstroke you, rabbit punch you, strangle/garrotte you, shoot you - there's an endless list of ways someone armed can do you harm without needing a knife. If you want to quibble over whether I have a knife in my hand or not when I've just been able to tap you on the shoulder, you're missing the point.

                        A knife kill is also a courtesy that we're not required to extend; I'm completely within my rights to just shoot you, which at point-blank range you're not going to enjoy very much. If you'd like to be shot instead, I'm happy to do that too.


                        • #13
                          Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                          agree wth puresilver on that a sneak up behind kill can represent a hand to hand kill ie choke or karate chop to the neck niether of which i would fancy, id take the tap on the shoulder any day lol but equally happy with a floppy rubber blade tap both mean a good sneaky kill preferably wthout a following scream of hit or medic to give away the hard work getting there.


                          • #14
                            Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                            Playing a night game at my old site, I sneaked up on two opposing players, both of whom I knew, squatted down with them for 5 minutes chatting shit, then stood, hand on each shoulder exclaiming "knife kill" & then wandered of giggling........ They didn't argue the point that I didn't have a knife, they were too busy swearing at me for being a sneaky cnut.............still laugh about it years later.


                            • #15
                              Re: Melee Weapons: What do you have and how do you carry it?

                              Because I've managed to wander up behind you, place my hand in your shoulder, instead of shooting you in the arse.
                              As said, it is a courtesy gesture.
                              Same thing as me not shooting someone point blank in the face.


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                              Bhunterism Find out more about Bhunterism