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Sellers and Total Ignorance

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  • Sellers and Total Ignorance

    Hi All.
    Whilst 99.99% of the guys on here are decent and straight up guys, You always get the bloody Ignorant one, that tell you one thing then leave you hanging. I offered 3 weeks ago to buy a Glock 17 Tan model that had been on the site for a couple of weeks, It didnt seem to be moving so I offered the guy £60 for it if he was having trouble moving it, (I only wanted it for the internal parts) so he came back to me saying that my offer was fine and he would accept it, he even gave me his Paypal details, I then receive another pm telling me not to send any money at the moment as he has moved house and couldnt find it, I held off for 2 days then sent him a pm asking if he had found it, 'No Reply' I sent another pm the day after and told him i was waiting to send him some cash, and asked if he had found it. 'No Reply' I then went on the for sale section only to see it had a line through it saying it had been sold. I sent a further 3 pms asking If he had found it, OR had he sold it as it was marked up Sold, let me know and I will look afor something else...Guess what, still no replies, BUT he had posted in one of the forums the day before my last pm.. WHY do people do this ??? If they have sold it at least have the Balls and Decency to answer our pms and not be so ignorant, i dont know the guys who are selling but I would still respect them as Group members and do the courtesy of answering them. after all, it is just decency, and we all have the one thing in common, we love airsoft.

  • #2
    Re: Sellers and Total Ignorance

    Well... at least he did it before you sent the money I guess?

    But yeah, its not difficult to reply to a PM. Though apparently it is.


    • #3
      Re: Sellers and Total Ignorance

      Look for an article by Tony Parsons for GQ magazine. It's called Pig Nation.

      In a nutshell extreme egoism is now normal behaviour in the UK.


      • #4
        Re: Sellers and Total Ignorance

        +1 to above, it is also unfortunate that it seems evermore prominent in Airsoft, particularly in the UK.


        About the Author


        ChieftainMK2 Ex Tank Regiment 1 RTR Find out more about ChieftainMK2