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Metal slide glocks

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  • #16
    Re: Metal slide glocks

    Where did you fire it?


    • #17
      Re: Metal slide glocks

      Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
      Where did you fire it?
      Toys r us

      im also confused

      on a serious note real glocks have metal slides


      • #18
        Re: Metal slide glocks

        Was this in Moss Side or something, since a Glock 18 is a fully automatic machine pistol and therefore illegal almost everywhere?
        102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

        Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


        • #19
          Re: Metal slide glocks

          Originally posted by Longshot View Post
          I've never heard of any production 9mm automatic that had a plastic slide. I just can't see how plastic (even the strong 'Polymer 2' type stuff that Glock use in their frames) could take the pressure for any length of time.
          i seen something about the russians messing around with the idea but didnt go full tilt
          to risky


          • #20
            Re: Metal slide glocks

            Originally posted by jagillham View Post
            I'm confused!
            they were totally different times! and please hold the jokes, they arn't particularlly funny, ive been using them in northern ireland where handguns are legal...
            Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


            • #21
              Re: Metal slide glocks

              Originally posted by N3ADS View Post
              i seen something about the russians messing around with the idea but didnt go full tilt
              to risky
              I've seen 'assassin's pistols' and the like, things like that little keyring that was going around a while ago capable of firing two rounds, but nothing that went into any full scale production and certainly nothing that would allow you to repeatedly fire it for any length of time.

              You can't even run most airsoft pistols with plastic slides on green gas because of the damage it causes!
              102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

              Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


              • #22
                Re: Metal slide glocks

                did you take any pics
                i took loads in canada firing a 357 deagle and glock and sig and sti viper and 92fs
                just thought you may have taken some i would have?


                • #23
                  Re: Metal slide glocks

                  Originally posted by balaclava ben View Post
                  they were totally different times! and please hold the jokes, they arn't particularlly funny, ive been using them in northern ireland where handguns are legal...
                  You understand that Northern Ireland is in the UK right?

                  And moreover that even when pistols were legal you couldn't use machine pistols like the Glock 18. You can't even use a Glock 18 in most states of the US.
                  102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

                  Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


                  • #24
                    Nahh if they exist then a quick google search will sort out the argument.
                    I know most on here may not have had dealings with the real steel (me included) but that cannot be possible plastic would surley as someone above has said impail the slide firmly in your face.
                    I have to agree with everyone else dont see its possible.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    • #25
                      Re: Metal slide glocks

                      Pistols weren't banned in NI under the 1997 Firearms Act, he's at least correct about that.


                      • #26
                        Re: Metal slide glocks

                        got some pics of the other handguns but not the glock as i fired that quite a while ago, the guy must of been BSing about it being a glock 18, it kinda went like, "hey you wanna have a go" "yes please what is it?" "glock 18" "with a plastic slide?" "yeh" "BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG"
                        Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


                        • #27
                          Re: Metal slide glocks

                          Originally posted by balaclava ben View Post
                          they were totally different times! and please hold the jokes, they arn't particularlly funny, ive been using them in northern ireland where handguns are legal...

                          dude unless you have friend in the paramilitaries and have been shooting illegally or have been firing on MOD or police grounds then you have been breaking the law as no hand guns are legal within N.I without special and hard to get permits.


                          • #28
                            Re: Metal slide glocks

                            and guys please chill a bit, im just relaying a personal experience that left me totally confused as you all are
                            Team Ballin' - "It sounds dirty because it is"


                            • #29
                              Re: Metal slide glocks

                              Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
                              Pistols weren't banned in NI under the 1997 Firearms Act, he's at least correct about that.
                              True, they have some other law that came in about 5 years ago and you still need to provide a legitimate reason for ownership of a pistol, which isn't easy, on top of which you would have no reason for or possibility of getting a machine pistol like a Glock 18.
                              102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

                              Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


                              • #30
                                Re: Metal slide glocks


                                CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                                About the Author


                                balaclava ben Lean, mean shooting machine Find out more about balaclava ben