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w.e pistol mag probs

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  • w.e pistol mag probs

    i have a 1911 from we came with two mags they work fine but are extremely difficult to gas does anyone else have this prob?

  • #2
    Re: w.e pistol mag probs

    In what way are they dificult to gas?

    If you've used another pistol before, you may be mislead in that the WE mags fill very quetly. The first eddition (a short run several years back) had terrible valves that blew at the drop of a hat, so ever since WE have put rather sturdy valves in thier guns, which means they dont piss out gas as you try to fill them, which makes it seem like the gas isn't going in.

    I've owned 4 WE 1911s of various sorts, and had almost a dozen magazines for them... I can probably help you out if you can descibe the problem well enough.


    • #3
      Re: w.e pistol mag probs

      ah great cheers mate ok heres what happens

      i put the nozzle in and push doesnt sound like anythings happening and theres a gas haze leaking from the mag theres no obvious spirt when the mag is full so all i really do is just leave it there for ages they work fine i mean even sometimes theres enough gas for two loads but its just weird and you never know when its full iv had a few pistols where you put the nozzle in it makes a small hiss then spurts out so you know but yeah any help on hte matter would be great thanks


      • #4
        Re: w.e pistol mag probs

        I have a mags for a WE Luger and a WE Hi Capa. The mags for both these guns gas up silently but the few TM mags I have the Hi Capa do spurt gas when they are filled up. I just give it a good 5 seconds to make sure they are full. I'd agree with MajorLandmak as to the reason.


        • #5
          Re: w.e pistol mag probs

          yeah i have to do it for alot longer though it doesnt seem right


          • #6
            Re: w.e pistol mag probs

            It sounds like thats the case. If you listen very carfully you can just about hear the gas going in... but as for when its full... 5-10 seconds is plenty of time. I've never had any issues with magazines not being gassed when I thought they were. Even if you think you've used some of the gas, just top it up for a few 5-10s. It's not like it will cause them damage. Once the pressure in the mag equalises with that in the can, no more will go in.

            I belive you can buy a metal adaptor from somewhere (for use on say, abbey gas, which has a plastic nozzle normally, which apparently could break) and it's tapered slightly, which means you can fill TM magazines and the like without them hissing and spraying when full. The WE valves just seem to be designed to fit airsoft gas cans better than other brands. They are also hard as nails. The mags will take red gas no problem and dont make a noise when you fill, though your warrenty/sight/players you are shooting might not agree with it's use.


            • #7
              Re: w.e pistol mag probs

              haha true, and ok then well il take it from the guys with the experience. theres been a couple of times where its fired three off or a little more and run out of gas it was retarded maybe it takes a bit of breaking in too not sure but il just have to hold it there for a while

              cheers guys


              About the Author


              BALBOSA Sound Designer\Sound Recordist, Outdoor enthusiast and all round crafty bugger, one of the 2 founding members of team unit-13, if you would like info on the team feel free to drop me a pm Find out more about BALBOSA