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Team Training Sessions / Range Work

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  • Team Training Sessions / Range Work

    As the title do you think it is necessary?

    and if you do what would you do during the training / range work
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  • #2
    Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

    We used to have TreadStone training days. We start off by having a brew, have a break to drink beer, and then round up with a couple of pints.


    • #3
      Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

      Depends how seriously you take your airsoft.

      I was playing at a game not long ago, where a "pro" mil-sim style team turned up, you know the types, all dressed identically and geardoed to the max kitted out for thier "specific" roles, going around doing weapons drills and shouting things like "TANGO DOWN" and the days games were all pretty much all the kids, rentals, newbies and everyone else vs the pro team Needless to say they wiped the floor with us and won every game.

      I actually hated it, I had very little fun that day and went home early, because for me thats what airsoft is all about, having fun, not taking it die hard seriously. Because at the end of the day, youre still a bunch of full grown blokes running round with toy guns. I like GZ's way of doing things, keeping the milsimmers and casual 'softers apart.

      anyway Im rambling a bit now, getting back to the point, I personally dont do any "team training" I just turn up on the day, have a laugh and a good time, then go home again. I dont think its necessary.

      Range work on the other hand is very useful and important, you ought to know what your gun is capable of doing and how well it performs, time and time again I see people who clearly have no idea what the capabiltiy of thier gun is and thier bb's usually hit the ground about 10 meters infront of me as they are WELL out of range


      • #4
        Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

        yeah we all know them types lol, i vary in how i feel when airsofting, sometimes i like just having a fun day out but then when you come across the so called "pro" team (s) it makes me wish i was that organised because like anyone you want to be the best.

        Then again i love milsim but consider milsim and gerneral skirmishing to totally different things, but i love either and just go with how i feel on the day

        i agree on the range work i luckly have alot of land where i could go and do some range work / training sessions but i wouldnt know where to start!!
        Lots Of Inert Ammo For Sale - PM For Details


        • #5
          Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

          Not so much range work but the team i play on do some training. Its mainly for big games, its just a 45 minute cqb walkthrough through a house at copehill or catterick. The rest is down to our own personal drills.

          I think Tiercel hit the nail on the head, it really does depend on how serious you take playing airsoft.


          • #6
            Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

            Originally posted by Tiercel View Post
            Depends how seriously you take your airsoft.

            I was playing at a game not long ago, where a "pro" mil-sim style team turned up, you know the types, all dressed identically and geardoed to the max kitted out for thier "specific" roles, going around doing weapons drills and shouting things like "TANGO DOWN" and the days games were all pretty much all the kids, rentals, newbies and everyone else vs the pro team Needless to say they wiped the floor with us and won every game.

            I actually hated it, I had very little fun that day and went home early, because for me thats what airsoft is all about, having fun, not taking it die hard seriously. Because at the end of the day, youre still a bunch of full grown blokes running round with toy guns. I like GZ's way of doing things, keeping the milsimmers and casual 'softers apart.

            anyway Im rambling a bit now, getting back to the point, I personally dont do any "team training" I just turn up on the day, have a laugh and a good time, then go home again. I dont think its necessary.

            Range work on the other hand is very useful and important, you ought to know what your gun is capable of doing and how well it performs, time and time again I see people who clearly have no idea what the capabiltiy of thier gun is and thier bb's usually hit the ground about 10 meters infront of me as they are WELL out of range

            Im with you on this one. But I must say if a load of guys turned up at the site i was playing at and started shouting 'tango down' i would end up rolling around on the floor crying with laughter. ( im giggling just thinking about it)
            As you said bunch of men running around like a bunch of kids....:D

            As for knowing how far your gun can fire is a good idea it also makes me laugh when a guy is shouting 'Take your hit' when his ammo is falling 10 meters short...


            • #7
              Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

              +1 on above

              really like the idea of getting some range work done, i feel this would benifit every airsofter to do this from time to time
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              • #8
                Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work


                surely the moment some one says that at airsoft they instantly fail?

                team training is pretty pointless unless you take it really seriously. - stuff like knowing how to patrol properly can be a big help but meh.

                range time is good.
                Originally posted by Coz
                Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
       sniping tactics thread.


                • #9
                  Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                  There are several teams who play at my site and the ones who do best usually have comms and play together and train together. I think training helps if nothing else just to learn how everyone on your team plays and as Tiercel pointed out range time is important as you need to know your weapons capabilities


                  • #10
                    Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                    Honestly, as long as you have knowledge of how to communicate with one another and everyone has a similar mindset to a game (i.e. if you are in a squad/group being sneaky, one of them does not pull a leeroy jenkins as soon as he sees someone)

                    To me, training is a bit meh. I would happily do it as a social thing, but as soon as you start imagining enemies for the purposes of training is the moment you start sliding down the slippery video game/movie re-enactment 'tango down' - 'roger that, over' slope and become... That guy? All training is, is a way to fabricate experience. I personally just prefer to play with some close friends who all think alike and understand what the various nuances and random hand signals mean, because we have used them in the past for a similar situation (e.g. hand up, peace sign = hold, 2 guys approaching).

                    However having said that, playing along side a team like the one above is an absolute pleasure and it's really cool to see how they move and act together. Against these guys it is fun to predict their tactics and lay ambushes (the Mall gives a lot of these opportunities, no one expects someone to be prone there, esp in the dark :P)

                    So ultimately, I dunno. Do what you do, play how you play, just remember to take a step back every now and then and take a sorry look at yourselves, as you shoot a kid in the face with a toy gun and grin (no i don't go around abusing kids faces >_<)



                    • #11
                      Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                      We do / try to do milsim as much as possible as I have spent too much money to just "run around", I enjoy every part of airsoft but I defiantly would and do take it serious every-time I take part.

                      AO/OM Handle - VAMP


                      • #12
                        Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                        Yes I take it serious and I think due to previous roles in life with the military being apart of me I do take realism to the extreme, However not all our group wear the same clothes and we don't go ott as in planning, we go and enjoy the games, but use tactics depending on what the mission.objectives are


                        • #13
                          Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                          Before I came back up to uni I was part of a team that did 'training' per se. I enjoyed it; I liked learning the proper, military methods, the tricks and all that. For me it's part of airsoft. I don't take it MilSim serious, after all I play for fun and I feel if you go too far down the route this is lost through uber-competitiveness/seriousness, but at the same I feel being able to do team-based/'real' tactics, especially against those with the same mindset adds tremendously to the game/experience. What Sterling does with their themed games looks awesome to me.

                          But it's a game after all, I wouldn't expect everyone to have the same mindset and attitude as me. If it's a more relaxed deal I'm not going to not play. It's about having fun and so long as both myself and others are enjoying it then it's all gravy.

                          I've never done range work, until recently (January) I didn't have my own stuff but as soon as I get back properly I'll definitely be giving it a go.


                          • #14
                            Re: Team Training Sessions / Range Work

                            Training is not about fabricating experience, its about (amongst other things) musclememory - the art of reproducing the same thing over and over again until it becomes second nature. It's also about learning the correct way to do things, something which experience doesn't always teach you.

                            I'd love to be part of a small team that trains regularly, so that we can get the best out of milsim 24hr games such as the uprising or some of the stirling games. But agree with others on here, that it takes the fun out of your usual saturday skirmish...
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