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Zombie fighter event?

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  • #16
    Re: Zombie fighter event?

    i got a lil idea, lets assume that 60 people turn up, it could be a squad based survival game

    4 teams of 5 people, each with no more than 200 bullets per person (slightly more for a light machine gun, i mean lets face it who is going to go to the trouble of carrying a massive heavy gun with no ammo) and use Laughing Man's idea of exploding targets

    Each team is trying to survive Alone and play against the other teams (each playing as different factions investigation the infection perhaps?) the game lasts no more than half an hour, and there should be 'evidence' hidden around, whichever team has the most survivors and evidence (lets say 1 survivor is equal to 3 evidence) is the winning team, and the teams are allowed to kill each other, that gives us a 2 hour or so game (including changeovers) in which no-one is forced to play the zombie for too long :D

    just a quick thought, add if you wish
    hasta la vista, baby


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    born2die Find out more about born2die