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Remembrance Day, 2010.

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  • Remembrance Day, 2010.

    As a well known member of the forum, I'd like to open this thread with the utmost respect for those who have fallen in all wars, past and present.

    Please post here to share your thoughts and comments.

    I'll add in a prayer (originally posted in the November Pathfinder Group UK Newsletter), this was also posted by another Facebook User, and was sent to the Official Group of the Palace Barracks Memorial Garden.

    I was sitting in the garden
    The flowers were all in bloom
    And all around were soldiers
    Wearing berets of Green,Black,Gray and Maroon.

    Most of them were Strangers
    But some of them I knew
    There was Stan.William,Bill and Scouse
    And yes there was Johnny too.

    I look upon their faces
    They are so young so bold
    And as i sit I wonder
    Why I am so bent and old.

    I speak to them-they don't reply
    They do not see me-I wonder why
    What's wrong with me I cannot tell
    They're all my mates they know me well

    Then I awake and realise
    It's all been just a dream
    There are rows and rows of grave stone's
    And not a soldier to be seen

    My friends have gone back whence they came
    And on their grave I read their names
    Stan Frost, Willam Starr, and Scouse Maclaughlin
    And John Roberts-He;s there too.

    Goodbye my friends and comrades all
    I saw you fight ,I saw you fall
    You gave your all-You did you're best
    Please, God give you all eternal rest.

    I will remember them.

    Rest in Peace.

    (I know this isn't airsoft related, but perhaps your hearts and minds could expand beyond airsoft and consider our countries past heritage, and leave this thread open in the most viewed area of the forum).

    Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

    Take responsibility for your choices. If you break any rule in life, you should be held accountable.

  • #2
    Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

    We will remember them.



    • #3
      Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

      Thank you to all those that gave their lives and those that continue to.

      We will forever be in their debt.


      • #4
        Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

        We will remember them all, not just British but French, Belgian, Polish, American, Russian, Austrian and German.
        Originally Posted by LtPurcy
        you dont just get handed it, you chase it for 30 miles around dartmoor.
        Originally Posted by spetsnazdave87
        It's like the golden snitch but for hard bastards


        • #5
          Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

          On the day we remember the end of WW1, id like to add my thanks to all those who have not come home. ' there, but for the grace of God, tread all of us who have served. We do not celebrate, we just live the rest of our lives in greatful for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in our stead.'
          Thank you our brothers.


          • #6
            Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

            thanks for posting this up gaffa all i will leave is a quote from churchill that i think sums it up very well

            "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"
            Winston Churchill

            Rest in peace and thank you we owe you all so much


            • #7
              Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

              We will Remember them.

              They gave their today, so we could have our tomorrow.

              Rest in Peace.


              • #8
                Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                A few simple words of respect, past and present, for all those across our nation and a time to remember friends who never came home...

                That poem about where “poppies blow”
                And, “the crosses, row on row”
                Still rings true, these ninety years
                After written, still brings tears.

                We still have Dead, “amid the guns”
                And lose our young and our loved ones
                Those who lived, “short days ago”
                Who, “felt dawn, saw sunset glow”.

                In Flanders Fields, “the poppy red”
                Still grow where the blood was bled
                They, “Take up our quarrel with the foe”
                And still die for Freedoms that we know.

                They pass, “The torch” to, “hold it high”
                And not, “break the faith with us who die”
                For they, “shall not sleep, though poppies grow”
                Beneath all those, “crosses, row on row”
                In Flanders Fields.
                The nomad only goes from point to point as a consequence and as a factual necessity: in principle, points for him are relays along a trajectory.” (Nomadology: The War Machine)


                • #9
                  Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                  Originally posted by Corporal Carnage View Post
                  We will remember them all, not just British but French, Belgian, Polish, American, Russian, Austrian and German.
                  pretty much sums it up for me.

                  Thankyou to the brave men that lost their lives to give us our freedom.
                  Never to be forgotten.


                  • #10
                    Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                    2 Minutes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                      Silence was given.

                      Always remembered.


                      Fast Action Response Team


                      • #12
                        Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                        Silence was also given by my company also.

                        Thank you so much to the men and women who sacrifice so much so we can have what we have.


                        • #13
                          Silence was observed by some but not all at work... no alarm signaling it... very annoyed.
                          Xadin {sha'din} Monkey

                          Next skirmish: GZ Woodland TBA


                          • #14
                            Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                            We will remember them
                            G&P L119A1 classic look ASCU / G&P L119A1 modern look / WE CO2 1911 / DBoys Kar98 / S&S Lee Enfield SMLE


                            • #15
                              Re: Remembrance Day, 2010.

                              We made all the staff and students observe the 2 minutes silence.

                              We will remember them!

                              RIP fallen soldiers you muchly deserve all the R&R in the world up there.

                              This Post may contain my opinions and if you disagree with them Tough S**T!


                              About the Author


                              Gaffa Nicknamed "Gaffa" because I can be bossy, but get the job done! I'm built for comfort, not speed... Find out more about Gaffa