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Kills vs Team Player

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  • Kills vs Team Player

    So...come on folks

    What is it that floats your boat?
    Lots of "kills" or being a team player...laying down suppresing fire, hardly any kills but helping achieve objectives?

    Personally I love to be part of a team effort and try to achieve results through tactics rather than blatting away!

    Opinions please folks

  • #2
    Re: Kills vs Team Player

    Theoretically... playing as a team gets more kills. And I'd love to do that, would be excellent, and a real challenge. Plus, there would be no stupid stale mate as one by one the team walk slowly into the enemy fire *doh!*

    But in reality, it is almost impossible to get a rabble organised as everybody fancies themselves as rambo.

    Therefore as much as possible I sneak off and do my own thing, maybe with somebody else like minded.


    • #3
      Re: Kills vs Team Player

      Originally posted by jagillham View Post
      Theoretically... playing as a team gets more kills. And I'd love to do that, would be excellent, and a real challenge. Plus, there would be no stupid stale mate as one by one the team walk slowly into the enemy fire *doh!*

      But in reality, it is almost impossible to get a rabble organised as everybody fancies themselves as rambo.

      Therefore as much as possible I sneak off and do my own thing, maybe with somebody else like minded.
      +1, playing as a team is quite difficult as you tend to get separated. Comms are a must


      • #4
        Re: Kills vs Team Player

        My team & I go for both as much as possible. I tend to get into the "zone" quite a bit, instantly start giving out "orders" or "loud aggressive suggestions" when attacking or defending an objective. Usually because nobody else is or everyone is moving like they have crapped their pants.

        Last time we went out one of the guys who never uses single shot, had to switch to single due to the amount of "kills" he was getting. Another team mate who never uses full auto switched to full auto due to the amount of firefights we were in.

        Without knowing who won the day as we left early for beer & food but we did a bloody good job when we were there so I think Ill be cocky & say we did enough for our side to win.


        • #5
          Re: Kills vs Team Player

          When using rifle, I tend to go off stalking/hunting - Like I would with live game!
          Especially in VIP style games, I'll stalk them then dig myself in waiting for a good shot, then get the hell out of there!


          • #6
            Re: Kills vs Team Player

            i would prefer lots of kills as i find myself more satisfied when i get kills but most of the time end up laying down suppresive fire. i think a mix of team playing and getting loads of kills is a good way to go.


            • #7
              Re: Kills vs Team Player

              Actually playing as a team is difficult not because peoople get seperated and some may not have 'comms' but because most teams have absolutely no clue how to organise themselves. The average 'team' consists of what, 7 guys? That's less than a section in the real world yet a section shouldn't need 'comms' because sections work within talking distance. 'Comms' are only really necessary when there are multiple sections all working together in a platoon and platoons working together in a company and considering most airsofters couldn't run a bath let alone a section (split into two sub-groups of a fire and assault team) then the usefulness of 'comms' can only really be attributed to ascertaining which kill zone one is currently based in.

              I played in a team many a time and despite best efforts to work as a cohesive unit it only resulted in receiving 10 times more hits than we managed to fire off ourselves in the UK - due mostly because the majority of teams have no clue about tactics, formations, standard operating procedures, contact drills, weapons handling, fire discipline, positioning, terrain, cover and so on. Example: How many times do you see someone 'kneeling' behind a tree??!!

              As an individual, on one plan B game at GZ in 2006 I scored 26 hits before lunch and was only hit 3 times that day. I lost count of the hits after lunch.

              I'd love to play in a team again, but the biggest issue is that most players think they have ample 'military training' when in fact this is totally untrue - the result is that trying to organise an effective team becomes a chore and the volume of clich outweighs the positives so there's only one remaining option - go it alone!


              • #8
                Re: Kills vs Team Player

                The above poster has raised some very valid points (7.62mm). We might be going a bit OT...

                I have noticed that a few teams have a sort of council of leaders as they think this works well, I tend to disagree with that. One person needs to be in charge, they might ask and listen to advice from their subordinates but ultimatly the choice is theirs and theirs alone to make.

                In my team, I am the team leader, this makes sense as out of my team, I am the one with the most experience. (I am not saying I am an awesome special forces 49 para commando type).

                My decisions dont always work out but thats what its all about, if it was easy we all would be team leaders and not actually have teams to run with. It does take a bit of patience when you have different skill levels within a team but then its up to the team to bring the others up to speed. Again this depends on what you want from airsoft, me and my lot like to roleplay which is a bit like milsim I suppose. I always want the total immersion experience when airsofting hence my earlier comment of getting into "the zone".

                Anyway, its late so I am now off to bed, hopefully the above text makes some sort of sense!


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                simon4103 Find out more about simon4103