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Glasses that don't fog up?

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  • #16
    Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

    Originally posted by richardy View Post
    my oakleys never fog up... ever
    Oakley glasses good to go! :D


    • #17
      Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

      ESS Goggles are designed not to fog. mine never have. Tea, Pot noodles anything. not a problem for them. hit up the bay of e
      -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
      -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


      • #18
        Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

        ESS ICE 2.4, just as good as oakleys, but a fraction of the price.

        The ESS NOFOG cloth they come with is a bloody miracle! I really cant reccomend them enough, Im a big fat sweaty bugger who normally fogs up like a female dog. However the ESS ICE are amazing, the only time I get even a little fogging is if I go indoors where theres no flowing air, but then the second you step back outside or stand near an open window, or even just flap your hands about a bit, bam the fogs gone.

        I didnt get on with the ESS V12s mind you, but then again I dont like sealed eyewear, I tend to get a lot of sweat dripping down them, eww... especially when it goes in your eye and stings like a bugger. Plus I found it really hard to aim down sights with the V12s on.


        • #19
          Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

          Cheers for all the great feedback. So ESS or Oakleys sound generally the best so far


          • #20
            Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

            Slightly OT but might help some

            I wear prescription shooting glasses (rather than normal with inserts) Due to them being presription, the polycarb is thicker than normal balistic glasses anyway, this helps with fogging. I spray a bit of anti fog on them which usually keeps fogging at bay completely.

            Just like Tiercel, I also sweat a bit. To help with this I take two sheets of kitchen roll, fold them in half and in half again to get a pad roughly 4-5 inches square. I then put this under my hat/cap so it covers the top of my forehead. Usually change for new sheets half way through the day. I find that this cuts down most of the sweat trickles that otherwise might go onto the glasses
            Originally posted by palmer234
            Swerve talks sense. I like him.
            Originally posted by Robin-Hood
            Swerve does in fact talk sense, I also like him.


            • #21
              Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

              Still recommend you get some of the Bollé spray too though

              AO/OM Handle - VAMP


              • #22
                Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

                I got the Oakley SI Ballistic, they still fog, but better than other ones I've had, the only way I manage to make it truly fog free was to wear it over a TMC mesh face mask, so the extra space allowed for more vapour to escape.

                After a while I couldn't be bothered to wear the masks anymore so I installed G&G's fan on the top, used a pair of pliers and some sand paper to make the hole and just screwed it on, worked amazingly well. You can probably save some money and just get yourself a tiny computer fan that will do just that, or a G&G one if you can find it online.

                *edit* oh woops sorry didn't realise this is about glasses, not goggle, fail post there.


                • #23
                  Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

                  Glasses like the oakleys and even the guarders are designed with an anti fog coating, but like all anti anythings if you channel enough of what they are trying to stop towards it, it will fail.

                  If i forced enough hot air up there yeah i reckon i could get them to fog up, but i dont and they never do. Gap between your brow and the glasses lets air escape. Covering your mouth with a shemag only funnels hot air up into the glasses.

                  just remmeber hot air = fogging and try to figure out why yours are doing it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

                    I use Oakley Jawbones, they have no gap big enough for a bb to get in and non-prescription ones have vented lenses and they never fog up even with a shemagh. Only downside is the price, £190 isn't cheap.


                    • #25
                      Re: Glasses that don't fog up?

                      Yeah im trying to decide on oakley prescriptions or laser surgury at the mo lol.

                      Ive got my current oakleys and contacts but you cant just pop them on you have to think, will there be sun today yes there might be i guess i need some contacts then just incase.


                      About the Author


                      Steveuknotts Not finished it yet! lol Find out more about Steveuknotts