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  • Milsim?

    interested in giving it a go.. but have a few questions..

    what does it consist of?
    and what do you need that you wouldnt normally use for a skirmish?
    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”

  • #2
    Re: Milsim?

    with milsim, you play all day long, well the one's i've played go that way

    i've played milsims at urban assault at RAF Upwood, and there are objectives to do throughout the day, and then certain objectives to do before a specific time, or at a specific time or after a specific time

    normally all day objectives are capture intel etc, the specified time objectives are hold a building at a specified time, or attack a building, move something from A to B etc

    i normally bring out:
    - enough ammo for the day
    - water (3ltr camelbak)
    - lunch to eat out there
    - a large rucksack full of all sorts like a spare smg or pistols (incase my primary breaks)
    - gas for pistol, spare batteries
    Originally posted by Fenriz
    Hicaps are as bad as two-tone. Or rape.


    • #3
      Re: Milsim?

      What about regen zones? And do you hike to each objective using maps etc?
      “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”


      • #4
        Re: Milsim?

        Mid or Low cap mags
        Enough ammo to last the day
        Hydration & food on your person
        Spare batteries/gas
        Tried & tested gear is always a bonus

        Other than that you don't really 'need' much else, especially for your first forrays into MILSIM. It's a different story when you come to 24 hour solid games etc but otherwise it's not all that much different.


        • #5
          Re: Milsim?

          the milsim's i played had a medic rule:

          if you got shot, the medic would put a yellow band around your arm, then when you get shot, for a second time you go and regen back at base, or hq for your team

          depending on the objective, we may have to walk to it, or get there whenever we felt like it if there was no time limit on it

          there were maps provided, with objectves on the maps, showing you where to go, what to move to where etc, but most of us were regulars, and knew the site well enough so that we only needed to know the objectives and time
          Originally posted by Fenriz
          Hicaps are as bad as two-tone. Or rape.


          About the Author


          dannyeprice23 a happy go lucky pain in the arse, i am the one who constantly has others amusement! Find out more about dannyeprice23