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things that take gas..

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  • things that take gas..

    is it right that gas pistol mags and grenades should be kept gassed up when not in use? or is this a myth?

  • #2
    Re: things that take gas..

    I always keep a small amount in my mags for good messure. I think as a rule of thumb you should always keep a bit in them just to be safe


    • #3
      Re: things that take gas..

      I think it is mainly opinion.

      If properly maintained, you shouldn't need to leave gas in. However, it is reckoned that if left empty, the seals can collapse in on the device.
      After use, I will always empty the magazine (of gas and pellets) and then give it a quick squirt of propane to keep the pressure holding the valves.

      This is a little based on theory, and I'm not sure if it has any proof of being of any benefit to anyone.

      Cant say for 'nades, as I don't have any.
      Airsoft. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.


      • #4
        Re: things that take gas..

        Yes you should, it keeps pressure on the o-rings
        Originally posted by Bluegill
        5 years Backyard Skirmishing...

        I hope that's not an airsoft euphemism


        • #5
          Re: things that take gas..

          you should always keep a little bit of gas in to keep some pressure on the seals.
          (Edit) Ninja'd


          • #6
            Re: things that take gas..

            as above, keeps pressure on them, which keeps them in good order. Youll notice that over the winter, or if you store your mags outside or in a garage, that if you leave them empty, then try to fill them, theyll spit it all back out


            • #7
              Re: things that take gas..

              Yes, well with mags anyway. If left dry the seals will dry out and leak. They don't need to be full, but a bit of gas is good when in storage etc. I have left well maintained mags without gas in for overnight and had them leak when filled in the morning, so it's always a good idea.


              • #8
                Re: things that take gas..

                O seals under pressure are a pain in the proverbial, they hold pressure fine until the pressure is released or removed from them, after that the o seals deform and will not seal again without fiddling. Also when they are under pressure they are forced into the gaps and basically molding themselves to the required area, pressure removed, the seals start to reshape albeit worn and damaged and you lose the seal.
                High pressure air is a swine for it.
                section 24 of the 1968 Act
                Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                • #9
                  Re: things that take gas..

                  Hmm, I just learned something, I am going to have to leave gas in my mags from now one!
                  SHADOW COMPANY - (IC)/SNIPER


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