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Let me try this again: Documentary

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  • Let me try this again: Documentary

    Hi Guys,

    Let's forget all the negative stuff in the old thread i made.
    I am here to ask again! What would you like to see in a documentary about airsoft?
    What aspects would you like to be covered? How much In game footage would you like?
    Would you be interested in hearing interviews with players?
    Do you want retailers to be interviewed?
    Do you want to hear the police statement in a documentary?

    What would you like to see?

    I feel much more comfortable about this whole topic now.. I have a Youtube channel here now:

    This would be something what I could maybe start this summer if I get loads of ideas from you guys flowing...

    I cant do all this alone.

    What sites do you reccomend me to attend? Where is good action, where are the marshalls and players the nicest?
    What sites are to avoid?
    Do you want to hear about the whole aspect of two tone?


  • #2
    Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

    I would love to see interviews from retailers


    • #3
      Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

      i think a place to start would be the very first airsoft gun ever made. even if it was some dodgey old conversion of something.


      • #4
        Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

        Hmm Id say a quick history, not long, maybe 5 minutes or so, player interviews, but a cross section, so new guys with a small amount of kit, all the way through to the hardcore elitests, so people can see everyone from all walks of life do it, also interviews with forces guys who have or are still serving and deploying to show the only people offended by it are the ones not doing it (in a polite way).
        Some retailer interviews especially covering the law aspect of it from their point of view (also covered in players perspective too), some nice action footage in game showing all the different types of game there is. A nice way of showing people the benefits, like skills for life:- Teamwork, communication, fitness, sportsmanship and fairness.
        Could cover different aspects of the weapons used too.
        section 24 of the 1968 Act
        Supplying imitation firearms to minors
        1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
        2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


        • #5
          Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

          Originally posted by MovieMaker View Post
          Do you want to hear about the whole aspect of two tone?

          I want to see the persons responsible for two-toned AKs disappear in a pillar of bright green smoke, be burnt to a crisp from a dozen mk9 pyros igniting simultaneously, or simply be shot beyond the point of tears, from arms distance, with .4g BBs. I'd then like to see him strung up from a rifle sling, and beaten to apology.
          Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


          • #6
            Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

            Originally posted by Machaon View Post

            I want to see the persons responsible for two-toned AKs disappear in a pillar of bright green smoke, be burnt to a crisp from a dozen mk9 pyros igniting simultaneously, or simply be shot beyond the point of tears, from arms distance, with .4g BBs. I'd then like to see him strung up from a rifle sling, and beaten to apology.

            Oh Ill trump you with a 2toned in babyblue I might add, Star AW338 when they first came out, he even spent the extra and got the AS adjustable bolt fitted.
            section 24 of the 1968 Act
            Supplying imitation firearms to minors
            1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
            2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


            • #7
              Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

              It would be interesting to show behind the scenes & why airsoft isn't some evil devil worshipping cult of gun nuts who are going to corrupt your children & murder your old folks.

              It would also be interesting to show airsoft from day skirmishes to 24h MILSIM Ops.
              Perhaps retailers or site owners giving info on 'how not to be stupid with a RIF and get the sport banned' etc etc.

              The only problem is you might end up with a documentary about airsofters that only ever gets seen by airsofters which becomes a bit pointless.


              • #8
                Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                Send the documentary to Fox news and see what happens.
                Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                big black shapes draw the eye.


                • #9
                  Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                  Originally posted by seansamurai1 View Post
                  Oh Ill trump you with a 2toned in babyblue I might add, Star AW338 when they first came out, he even spent the extra and got the AS adjustable bolt fitted.
                  Witnessed a brand new two toned magpul massada pts the other day :'(


                  • #10
                    Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                    Originally posted by seansamurai1 View Post
                    A nice way of showing people the benefits, like skills for life:- Teamwork, communication, fitness, sportsmanship and fairness.
                    To show people the life skills that it can give you would be brilliant.

                    There is a kid round my way, 16 years old, has a paper round and works various other little jobs because he wants to be able to afford to go airsofting once a month, he watches all of the older more experienced players and has become pretty good at it now.

                    But every working hour is so he is able, at the end of the month, to come airsofting.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by seansamurai1 View Post
                      Some retailer interviews especially covering the law aspect of it from their point of view
                      Totally agree with that, its great to have videos of people running about and showing their gear and guns but an opening segment covering the definitive laws surrounding airsoft would turn it from 'just another airsoft movie' to and actual informative documentary.

                      If that part was done right, just think how much easier it would be for new people, a visual explainantion is always better than pages and pages of text.
                      Originally posted by Bluegill
                      5 years Backyard Skirmishing...

                      I hope that's not an airsoft euphemism


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by badas View Post
                        Witnessed a brand new two toned magpul massada pts the other day :'(
                        Shocking on the eye but you know what, fair enough, least their sticking to the law...
                        Originally posted by Bluegill
                        5 years Backyard Skirmishing...

                        I hope that's not an airsoft euphemism


                        • #13
                          Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                          Here's some advice I gave to one of our lot in another forum, who is looking at the possibility of setting up a site. You might find some useful hooks in here as it involves talking to people about airsoft who may have very little idea about what it is.

                          Quote from: -=256=- xxxxx on May 20, 2011, 11:11:50 AM
                          I know the family who owns xxxxxxx Caravan and Campsite - just SW of the xxxxx. The owner, xxxxxx, put me in touch with the policeman. Between them they know all the land owners around xxxxxxx. I think we should be able to locate buildings in and around xxxxxxx.

                          By the way, Swerve,can you offer any info/ advice that can be used when discussing the use of such sites for airsoft? What will warm people to the sport and offer reassurance for them?

                          Try this xxxxx

                          For those unfamiliar, it's often best to START with what may be familiar, and then work from there.

                          Tell them it's very similar to paintball. That should immediately give them a hook and will hopefully bypass the blank stare stage.

                          This is a way in which you can automatically insert images into their heads, and as paintball is mainstream there comes with this an element of acceptance.

                          Now you can emphasise the positives....

                          It's not messy like paintball (no paint).

                          Clientelle are usually educated and motivated.

                          Police and armed forces use similar equipment for training, and there are policemen and servicemen who play regularly, along with students and pensioners and all stops in between.

                          Airsoft is a very safety focussed sport (and it is a sport)

                          What a site needs is a properly assessed public liabity insurance (just like any other sporting venue). It also needs to be relatively secure, you don't want people wandering into play with no eye protection.

                          Although we do use replica guns, they are legally held and shoot at very low velocities. All guns used are ones designed specifically for the sport, and they cannot be converted to fire real bullets as they are only externally a replica, internally the are completely different. They are essentially high tech toys.

                          Injuries are typically LESS than what you could ordinarily get playing paintball, both in frequency and seriousness.

                          If they have the internet, then Wikipedia is a good place for an overview - find it here:
                          Originally posted by palmer234
                          Swerve talks sense. I like him.
                          Originally posted by Robin-Hood
                          Swerve does in fact talk sense, I also like him.


                          • #14
                            Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                            I think it's essential that any interviewees are relatively well spoken and have a realistic approach to airsoft, as in, yes we wear all the gear, but at the end of the day we are just playing a game, in a safe environment, with fairly harmless toy guns, and the documentary keeps well away from the, "look at me, I'm a real soldier I am" type of plonker that you find now and again, as the last thing airsoft needs is a chance for some lefty berk, to claim that we are some kind of millitia.
                            "This is my rifle, it's just a toy one, there are many like it, they're toy ones too, without it, i'm £250 better off, without me, it gathers dust in the corner, we're just big boys playing soldiers, lets try and remember that" play fair have fun.


                            • #15
                              Re: Let me try this again: Documentary

                              Thanks for the quick and very nice responses here.
                              I have written down all of the answers so far. I am looking for even more Ideas. I will definitely take the approach that it's just a game and I will show all ages and people from different ways of life. E.g: Someone is a business man and plays airsoft. Someone is a squaddie and plays airsoft. Someone is a policeman and plays airsoft. Of course, I will put a relativly big aspect onto the aspect, that it isn't a man game, women are encouraged and they actually do play as well!

                              Get cracking with more answers


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                              MovieMaker Find out more about MovieMaker