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Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

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  • Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

    Hi all,

    My missus brought up quite a interesting subject. With regards to owning RIFS, are they covered under Contents insurance. Im sure most Airsofters would find it quite expensive to replace stolen RIFS, kit etc...

    When not in use, my RIFS, mags and kit are kept locked away in the garage conversion.

    Obviously Im gonna have to check if they are covered, but I was just wondering if anyone has had trouble getting their RIFS insured or if they are included in Contents insurance.

    Cheers guys,


  • #2
    Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

    They should be covered under your contents policy, with no issues.
    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


    • #3
      Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

      As above any good contents policy will cover unless a single item is over the single item limit



      • #4
        Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

        Essentially it's all down to the underwriters, but as long as the area they're stored in is covered (some policies don't cover the shed etc), then there shouldn't be a problem regards to theft.

        I reckon the main issue would arise if trying to claim for breakage, especially if your RIF's been heavily upgraded...
        Originally posted by andre the giant
        ...most of us like a balance of shooting and drinking tea.


        • #5
          Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

          If its a single item then you normally have to specify what it is, I have heard of a number of people having their entire kit stolen and have had to quit, either isnurance compaines dont insure or they are really stupid and dont have home insurance?

          Very good question though as my shooters alone are worth about £1000, not a lot compared to quite a lot of people on here but I couldnt afford to replace them so I shall be calling my own to ask that very question


          • #6
            Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

            Originally posted by Rainbow6 View Post
            If its a single item then you normally have to specify what it is, I have heard of a number of people having their entire kit stolen and have had to quit, either isnurance compaines dont insure or they are really stupid and dont have home insurance?

            Very good question though as my shooters alone are worth about £1000, not a lot compared to quite a lot of people on here but I couldnt afford to replace them so I shall be calling my own to ask that very question
            Everything is a single item is it not?

            I think the key thing is that they don't exceed your single item limit, Ours is £1500 anything over that has to be named and is limited by our policy


            • #7
              Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

              Mine is done by any items upto £500 you dont have to specify it individually on your policy but they are still covered, anything valued over that has to be listed individually but suppose each policy is different as you say above - pain in the arse though as quite a few things fall into the £500 - £1000 bracket when new so have to list them all takes bloody ages
              Last edited by Rainbow6; 31 May, 2011, 19:44. Reason: Add wording


              • #8
                Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

                Originally posted by Rainbow6 View Post
                Mine is done by any items upto £500 you dont have to specify it individually on your policy but they are still covered, anything valued over that has to be listed individually but suppose each policy is different as you say above - pain in the arse though as quite a few things fall into the £500 - £1000 bracket when new so have to list them all takes bloody ages
                Very good point. Think I will defiantly ring Barclays tomorrow. When Iv found out what the crack is ill post it up on here. Cheers guys.


                • #9
                  Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

                  IIRC my policy only requires declaring individual goods over £3500 for each single item and my coverage also includes away from home and accidental breakages. Can imagine filling THAT claim form in " well, I was taking the embassy when I was flanked so I spun round and broke my uber cannon in two......"


                  • #10
                    Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

                    My mates house just burnt down with everything he owned including 2 vsrs, m14,g36, hi capa, mp5 etc, all covered by contents

                    Originally posted by Metalbody
                    pulling one off certainly feels good


                    • #11
                      Re: Question For Home Owners Regarding RIF'S & Contents Insurance

                      Hello, i'll chip in here

                      I sell home insurance for a living, (with really really annoying adverts oh yes!) and yes they would be covered under contents policy as long as there with in any limits imposed by your schedual. For instance contents at 50k and only valuables (watchs jewlery works of art collections or set, home entertainment equipment ) need to be specified when over 1.5k, it'd be covered fine.

                      Obviously different policys have different limits and your best checking yours. In the event of any claim you will be asked to provide proof of the item/s. Any recipts would be best, pictures taken to show the items also helps, with regards to upgraded rifs, proof of such maybe require.

                      We work on the basis or repair - replace - cash payout.

                      With the vcra the repair/replace option prob wouldn't apply.

                      If your policy covers it you would also be able to claim under accidental damage (again double check the small print and limits) but you will have to pay any excess (we impose a +£25 on a/d claims as well). If you have lots of claims this may prevent you from getting cover else where, we don't take any new buisness of if suffered 3 losses (wither insured or not) in the last 3 years, and 2x a/d claims may be a decline but will certainly add additional excess to the policy

                      Now we come to personal possessions (may be called other things on other policys) lower limits (ours 2.5k with a 2k single item limit) covers items usually worn or carried away from the home. Covers sports equipment but not while in use (i.e stoped at services and there stolen from a car (if taken from a vechical) has to be by forcable entry)). Again items limits apply and so on. and may or may not be covered on your policy

                      Short of it is phone your company explain, they will prob not have a clue and ask there supervisors, and make notes on there system of everything that agreed.

                      Every product has different limits, nothing i said here may apply to you, it may not, long and short is check your policy if in doupt phone the company and double check.

                      this isn't the most indepth explaination, and abit rambleing i'll check in later and try to answer questions but CHECK WITH YOUR PROVIDER and ok everthing with them,
                      When I was your age Pluto was a planet


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                      brewer17 Find out more about brewer17