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To import or not to import?

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  • To import or not to import?

    That's my question

    Without referencing any specific retailers etc, I'd be really interested to know about the range of experiences on getting things into the country.

    I'm after particular type of hand cannon that you just can't seem to get very often in the UK and it seems sensible to get it shipped.

    But I'm not sure how good relationships with customs are etc

    Any guidance much appreciated before I send chunks of money overseas!


    WA Beretta Cougar 8045/ ICS M16 / Flare Pistol

    "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

  • #2
    Re: To import or not to import?

    Well as long as you fit all the requirements, then there shouldn't be any problems.

    I normally have a general rule... If something costs $170, I take it as being £170 after all expenses. You have to account for the Customs charge; the extra VAT, as well as a handling fee(s). So it's often not as cheap as expected, but often the case is it's going to be cheaper than in the UK.

    Generally, package checks by customs are completely random. I will often ask if my package can be labelled "Airsoft Toy Under £36" because if that's labelled, there's less chance of it getting checked.

    Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

    Take responsibility for your choices. If you break any rule in life, you should be held accountable.


    • #3
      Re: To import or not to import?

      Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
      I will often ask if my package can be labelled "Airsoft Toy Under £36" because if that's labelled, there's less chance of it getting checked.
      Carefull mate, while the airsoft toy bit is no problems, under £36 would be duty and tax evasion if the item is over the limit.


      • #4
        Re: To import or not to import?

        I just bought over £100 worth of stuff, including 2 guns and its here within 3 days and is out for delivery right now and cleared customs fine without import tax or any other charges. I think it's just luck of the draw tbh.

        (pics of new awesomeness coming to the picture thread quite soon)


        Andy-Martin The gun im getting is a hand cannon :D wonder if its the same one?
        Last edited by Operator_Jester; 12 August, 2009, 10:18. Reason: P.S

        If Carlsberg made Airsoft teams..............They would still get raped by the G.Z.C.F


        • #5
          Re: To import or not to import?

          This is blatently copied from another forum, but does explain the basics very well.

          ''Import Your Own Weapon
          Importing a RIF in to the UK can be an interesting experience. I’ve got to say, if you can avoid importing your own weapons then do so. If you really have to under go the challenge then this is a basic guide to what might happen.

          The TOP TIP is to provide the information listed below, to the seller to include on the side of the package so you may get to avoid most of the hassle mentioned below.

          Remember you may not need to do any of this, some imports sale through customs with no troubles. If they get stopped the following is likely to happen.

          First you will receive a letter from HM Revenue & Customs, it will look a little something like this.

          This basically means you have to prove you have the right to import the weapon and you are going to use it for legal purposes. You will need to do this in writing.

          Information to include is :-

          Your name and address
          Your Reference Number
          The specification of the weapon

          There are a few ways to prove that you are importing the weapon for legal reasons. The easiest one is to be a UKARA member. Sending them a copy of your UKARA membership SHOULD suffice and allow your new weapon to continue winging its way to you.

          Being a UKARA member is not essential for importing an airsoft weapon but it helps massively.

          The other way to prove your legal right to import a weapon is to get a letter or other form of proof that you are a member of an airsoft site with Public Liability Insurance (PLI).

          If you can not prove either of these easily DO NOT IMPORT YOUR OWN RIF.

          Once you’ve written your letter and posted, fax or emailed it. You will hopefully get a reply and fingers crossed it will be similar to this.

          If you do, well done! You’ve successfully imported your own RIF.''

          Ok, there you have it. my xp of import varies from company to company.
          A group of us imported a election of parts and AEG's last year, and the parcel was siezed at customs.
          The problem was a G3SG1 that was chrono'd ay custums, and was found to be firing at 400+ fps. We were offered the oppertunity to return the entire parcel to hong kong at our own expense, or to have the G3 destroyed and the remaining items released.
          We agreed to have the G3 destroyed, contacted the retailer, and rhey sent another that was firing at 350 fps.
          Not the greatest of problems with importing until you realise that all the time we were sorting out the problem we were being charged storage for the package.

          Trader Feedback.

          Yorkshire Players Forum.


          • #6
            Re: To import or not to import?

            Just got my RIF through customs, took nearly two months, five letters, numerous phone calls and and import fee of a third of the value of the parcel before they would release it. When it finaly arrived it become obvious why they had seized the parcel, it had been wrapped with brown paper and string only and had a big sticker saying "AIRSOFT GUNS" on it.

            I think it will be a while before I go through that again


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            Andy-Martin Find out more about Andy-Martin