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M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

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  • M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

    So, below is a picture of my EBR, which I plan to use as a marksman rifle. I am not a pure sniper, but I'm thinking of getting a head and shoulders ghillie.

    The question I want to ask is, do you think the EBR would look good fully covered in rifle ghillie? Also do you think it would look right over a black rifle?

    I must add, I HATE krylon and paintjobs personally, so theres no chance of my painting the gun underneath, and I also think rifles with a bit of ghillie on the end of the barrel look a bit silly, so what would you say to (almost) the whole gun being covered?

    Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name

  • #2
    Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

    i think it would look good if done properly


    • #3
      Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

      i would say go for it, cover the whole of the front leaving an opening for the scope and make it so that you can access the mag release etc, leave the stock uncovered and it should look sweet
      PM me if you're looking for S-ARMS M4 mags


      • #4
        Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

        I personally hate ghillied rifles, unless they are light, camoed bolt action snipers, and the user is also in full ghillie.

        But, if you went with a full suit, and full rifle ghillie, it's be OK.

        Peronal opinion though, if you like it, go for it.


        • #5
          Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

          you could buy loads of RIS sling mounts and wrap ghillie material onto that.

          Ghilled stuff always looks good though!
          SAVE OUR SPORT


          • #6
            Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

            I think the EBR should be painted not ghillied. I agree that bolt action sniper rifles should be the only ones ghillied, I have seen m249's with ghillie on and they looked pish!


            • #7
              Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

              Scrim net the front, then go mad with elastic bands, then add your foliage. Could do with a bipod though for concealed sniping.


              • #8
                Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

                LOL M249s though.. cant really get much further from a sniper rifle can you? Apart from like.. a grenade.. or a sword..

                I would NEVER consider ghillie-ing up an AR or MG, only sniper rifles and marksman rifles lol.

                And personally I just really hate krylon jobs.. I think they always look too much like these toy guns I used to have (that you pulled back the charging handle and pulled the trigger and then they went 'ack ack ack ack ack ack' :P)

                I agree with the idea of ghillie-ing up until the stock though, but full ghillie on me is a nono.. I'd get too hot and I like to be a bit more manoeuvrable.
                Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


                • #9
                  Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

                  I know what you mean about paintjobs making them look like toy guns even more but then it does depends on the painjob and then the wear and tear which in my humble opinion makes it look better.


                  • #10
                    Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

                    Mmm paintjobs do look good sometimes, like that snakeskin-like M14 on 'pictures of your guns'

                    but I mean ghillie you cant take on and off to suit your needs/wants, paint you kind of.. cant

                    I like the idea of putting scrim underneath though, that would break up the black nicely and provide a good green base for the foliage.

                    How easy do you think it would be to cannibalise a ghillie suit for foliage? Or would regular rifle ghillie fit on somehow? I dont fancy having to do much cutting and sticking myself..
                    Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


                    • #11
                      Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

                      what about a bit of scrim netting & its cheap as chips,
                      thats what i use on my guns/ebr


                      • #12
                        Re: M14 EBR with rifle ghillie?

                        Yeah, ghillie just has a cooler effect than just plain scrim though
                        Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


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                        TS_Welshy Find out more about TS_Welshy