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What does airsoft mean to you?

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  • What does airsoft mean to you?

    Hey all,

    Well was thinking about this tonight so thought I'd get some different opinions on it

    Basically, what does Airsoft mean to you? Do you take it seriously or there for laughs... or in the middle somewhere?

    Me and a few mates are taking it up purely for fun/comedy as we had great laughs at it, we dont take it ultra serious and can end up with daft results (not like running naked or that lol). However, not everyone is game for that.

    At our last game a few of us joined in with the "pros" at the end and came face to face with a bit of a tosser, shouting out something we didnt know what it meant (first day there) then giving more abuse (I didnt catch it all as I was at the back of the group). But basically I thought get a grip, its our first day and we arent trying to be real soldiers, to be fair it put alot of us off going back. We decided to go back in a few weeks time but in our own group as we arent interested in that side of it.

    So, how important is it you then? Cheers

  • #2
    Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

    middle of the road - i do it for fun initially and do the odd metal dual pistol wielding suicide fun

    but i also like to play tactically in my team with radios and call signs etc

    many at my site are ex army etc so the games are centred aroudn being more serious

    but id definitely say im in the middle
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    • #3
      Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

      Skirmishing, i take it seriously at formal games, GZW etc...
      For local/team organized games we don't really milsim it unless training for a specific event, mostly its just for fun, sometimes just in casual gear.
      I do plan to step the rate up a little more when i get the time.
      But as for gun tech, thats damn serious!


      • #4
        Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

        for me i try and not take it too seriously because at the end of the day we are still only playing at being soldiers and are using toy guns....but thats easier said than done

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        • #5
          Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

          I'd say for me, it's a hobby that I do when I can. Although when I play (and prep for a day), I take it quite seriously...

          If I had more time and money, I'd probably treat it closer to a first choice sport (as it were). I can definitely see how some people can spend almost everything they earn on it, there isn't much like it (without doing the real thing).
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          • #6
            Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

            actually i quite agree with what you just said

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            • #7
              Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

              good thread topic!

              in comparison to others here, i'd certainly say i don't take airsoft seriously. i don't have extensive knowledge of gun manufacturers or tech (although i try my best,) and although i can take apart a gas gun and put it back together, i wouldn't dare do it with my aeg; i couldn't upgrade or mod one myself.

              regarding wargames, i've only ever been to about 5 official airsoft sites, and held the rest at my own site that my cousins and i built at his farm with my buds. also, when ukara was introduced in the uk, i didn't have chance to become a member of a site and register - so i couldn't buy any more guns. my friends also lost interest, and that really affected my motivation to continue wargaming at all. i still played with my guns at home, but it wasn't important to me.

              since i moved to hong kong however, airsoft is constantly on my mind. i bought a gun even before i got my first paycheque, and i'm gonna go buy another right now when work finishes lol. obviously it's much easier to go out and look at guns and buy stuff here, and wargames are all over the place. i've even joined a facebook group that organises them, and made some friends - even though i've never met them.

              still, airsoft is just fun and games with toys. alot of guys here buy almost professional gear and mimick a certain military force/unit down to the socks. it's cool, but i can't see myself doing that. i'm more the guy to buy a skull mask and duel weild mp5ks.

              i'd just say; be cool, take your hits, and don't assume that the person next to you has the same attitude to the sport as you. have fun and be responsible!

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              • #8
                Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                Those that know me, know I don't take much seriously, and do things at Airsoft that most would deem stupid. I do things like that because they are fun, and lets me burn off the stress’s of the previous 2 weeks.


                • #9
                  Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                  Rampage, nowhere in the history of warfare could anyone take wielding dual flare guns as grenade lauchners seriously (apart from seriously cool)! I can understand people taking it seriously and thats fine, but its when they try and rope others in to taking it seriously when they just want a laugh. Thats why you've got to love GZ Urban, the way its set up mean you really do have to enjoy it and NOT take it seriously. For example, in a serious game, would you see 30 blokes scream like idiots towards a heavily fortified building all get shot followed by dramatic death poses before all falling to the ground. Then in true Monty Python style the classic line of "RUN AWAY" is shouted and we all get up and leg it back to respawn.

                  I dont take it seriously in the sense of wanting to win everything and doing proper military tactics. I do take it seriously (in a very sad way i know) by "dressing up" as a well known delta force sniper, because i want to remember him and his story (and his teammates) is in my mind legendary.
                  Last edited by Felixpredator; 18 September, 2009, 12:33. Reason: spelling mistakes
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                  • #10
                    Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                    I think there is a time and a place for everything. An old adage indeed, but very apt for Airsoft.

                    I like to think I am somewhere in the middle here. There is no way in hell you can take things seriously when you have people with hi-caps spraying the area. So you just go with it and have a laugh.

                    If I am creeping around in the underbrush, trying to be a little tactical, the last thing I want is someone rattling and crashing around with me.

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                    • #11
                      Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                      I wont order anybody about, though sometimes when flanking opponents I will ask a friend to come with and we will be as quiet as possible.
                      I'm just there because there's a great sense of camaraderie (especially in the small south african airsoft community) and because it's a helluva lot of fun. I must admit to being quite a geardo, but at the end of the day, it's just a bit of fun.


                      • #12
                        Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                        Middle ground for me - I try for placed shots rather than spray and pray, and work with my team mates to flank people using signs etc but at the same time I have my mask painted as a fright mask, tend to wear casuals, and spent yesterday running around in the pitch black making gribbly noises (sans gun) leaping out at people pretending to be an alien/genestealer for our Aliens/Marines game


                        • #13
                          Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                          Middle of the road leaning towards Mil-Sim for me. I love being stealthy, flanking and creeping around, getting into a good position, and placing well-placed accurate shots as opposed to charging in and shooting at anything and everything that moves. For that reason I use mids not highs, although I don't go as far as to replicate a loadout down to the socks and badges. My site does mil-sim days once a month, which I prefer to the standard commercial pay and spray days. I also enjoy the big 24hr games, such as the Uprising and the PR set.

                          I'd say that this is a very valid comment though, and a good one to stick by

                          i'd just say; be cool, take your hits, and don't assume that the person next to you has the same attitude to the sport as you. have fun and be responsible!
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                          • #14
                            Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                            slightly more to the fun side for me. Prefer to spend my money on going out than kit, so i play in casuals too. I can justify paying good money for a good gun, but not for BDU's ect. I guess thats the question you gotta ask yourself, you play to enjoy it right?
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                            • #15
                              Re: What does airsoft mean to you?

                              My, on average, four skirmishes a year are full of fart jokes and relaxing in the sun. I airsoft because I think its a good sport for all ages and because I get to catch up with friends I dont get to see often due to time constraints.

                              To be perfectly honest, if it wasnt for the weekender I might have pulled out of airsoft all together by now, finding them opportunity for a sunday skirmish is getting harder and harder now, but something always draws me back in. (Certainly not the social skills of most airsofters I run into on the day lolz)


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