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Airsoft Vs. Paintball

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  • #16
    Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

    Originally posted by jediknight129 View Post
    full auto can be mimicked though with ramping and walking the trigger.
    Yes to a certain degree..
    Another thing or 2 to take into consideration it the massive void between paintball site "markers" and own guns,compared to the smaller void experienced in airsoft,if site pb markers are peoples only experience then that explains a lot.
    Pb markers rely heavily on maintenance including cleaning and most site pb markers would be unbreakable easy-maintenance ones;I noticed myself that site airsoft guns are closer to the guns that you will end up using.
    As someone else mentioned the masks are alway crap,scratched lenses and abused items although safe,a lens is a minimum of £10,saying that it is amazing how many pb masks turn up at airsoft;I couldn't wait to get rid of mine and go meshy...
    Last edited by snuff; 15 November, 2011, 14:49. Reason: extra letters included...


    • #17
      Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

      I want a full face mask but hated the paintball jt, the masks are for insurance I think, I know my site is mandatory full face for sub 18 players.


      • #18
        Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

        Why is airsoft better than paintball?:
        -Far far cheaper ammo wise
        -Alot less painfull
        -Many people would go back to a days airsofting (even the women) but many find paintballing far too painfull

        Why is paintball better?:
        -No-one can argue that they were not hit
        -good for a day out with your 'favorite' work colleges
        -The screams of people can be brilliant :L
        When the wind blows hard and the sky is black
        Ducks Fly Together


        • #19
          Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

          Paintball is played competitively, for prize money.

          This mindset destroys paintball, as it encourages winning at all cost. Especially through liberal use of wiping to cheat.

          I hope that airsoft never ever, ever becomes a competitive sport, it's too easy to cheat.


          • #20
            Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

            Originally posted by Ginger Chris View Post
            Paintball is played competitively, for prize money.

            This mindset destroys paintball, as it encourages winning at all cost. Especially through liberal use of wiping to cheat.

            I hope that airsoft never ever, ever becomes a competitive sport, it's too easy to cheat.
            Paintball is not always played for prize money,it certainly isn't why I started and prolly not for a lot of other players.
            I started because I enjoyed it,the competion part was just a progression which incidentaly ruined it for me.
            Cheating is rife in all sports airsoft is no different..why would it be?


            • #21
              Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

              Just to clarify one thing, paintballs do not outrange BBs. They've got no spin (unless you shelled out for an APEX or flatline barrel, which rentals CERTAINLY won't have), and most paint sold at sites will not have the quality needed to ensure any kind of consistency in range, reliability, or accuracy.

              To bring up a point that hasn't been made yet, I feel that airsoft players are generally a better crowd. I love airsofters. Less mainstream means that most of the people onsite are people who really want to be there; camo, their own guns, vests and a good attitude. Maybe it's my own abrasive personality, but whenever I go play paintball I feel like picking a fight with at least one player. =/

              Personally the price was the biggest factor for me, as all things considered airsoft is quite a bit cheaper than paintball. 150quid got me a very good looking new G36K that performs decently well out of the box...the same amount of cash in paintball would barely get me a semi-auto Tippmann that looks like cheap plumbing, and I'd have to pay extra for an HPA tank.


              • #22
                Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                Originally posted by Prentice221 View Post
                -good for a day out with your 'favorite' work colleges
                Haha thats brilliant and true, no body ever does a "staff day out airsofting" its always paintball. And few things in life are as satisfying as being able to blast the everlasting shite out of a hated manager thanks to the anonymity of a generic mask and boiler suit


                • #23
                  Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                  Originally posted by Prentice221 View Post
                  -good for a day out with your 'favorite' work colleges
                  Haha thats brilliant and true, no body ever does a "staff day out airsofting" its always paintball. And few things in life are as satisfying as being able to blast the everlasting shite out of a hated manager thanks to the anonymity of a generic mask and boiler suit


                  • #24
                    Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                    Originally posted by CacklingHawk View Post
                    Just to clarify one thing, paintballs do not outrange BBs. They've got no spin (unless you shelled out for an APEX or flatline barrel, which rentals CERTAINLY won't have), and most paint sold at sites will not have the quality needed to ensure any kind of consistency in range, reliability, or accuracy.

                    To bring up a point that hasn't been made yet, I feel that airsoft players are generally a better crowd. I love airsofters. Less mainstream means that most of the people onsite are people who really want to be there; camo, their own guns, vests and a good attitude. Maybe it's my own abrasive personality, but whenever I go play paintball I feel like picking a fight with at least one player. =/

                    Personally the price was the biggest factor for me, as all things considered airsoft is quite a bit cheaper than paintball. 150quid got me a very good looking new G36K that performs decently well out of the box...the same amount of cash in paintball would barely get me a semi-auto Tippmann that looks like cheap plumbing, and I'd have to pay extra for an HPA tank.
                    I agree with a lot of what you say especially the pri£e,I still disagree about the bb vs pb travel.
                    And I totaly disagree about the crowd being any different (unless your talking about the rental/stag crowds whose intention is to hurt each other,we have to discern which group we are talking or own guns because they are completely different)I'm not sure where you played but I've never felt inclined to fight anyone perhaps that's a personal trait;lets hope that all the pballers migrating to airsoft are not the trouble malkers eh!!


                    • #25
                      Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                      Originally posted by snuff View Post
                      I agree with a lot of what you say especially the pri£e,I still disagree about the bb vs pb travel.
                      And I totaly disagree about the crowd being any different (unless your talking about the rental/stag crowds whose intention is to hurt each other,we have to discern which group we are talking or own guns because they are completely different)I'm not sure where you played but I've never felt inclined to fight anyone perhaps that's a personal trait;lets hope that all the pballers migrating to airsoft are not the trouble malkers eh!!
                      Haha, I don't fight anybody. Chinese people haven't outright won a major conflict for a couple hundred years now :P

                      The rental/stag crowd is what I'm talking about. You get way more at paintball sites, because they only know about paintball. Then you get morons shooting at light fixtures, disrespecting marshalls because "they never fokkin' gonna come back anyway", blatantly cheating, etc. I've never encountered this but I've heard marshalls tell stories about finding marbles and frozen paintballs when they do a paint-check...*shudders*

                      If I sound elitist, I apologize. Being a new player isn't grounds for hate (I'm new to airsoft myself) but I have had just a way more positive experience with airsoft that I have with paintball. This was supposed to be a compliment to airsoft, not flaming paintballers haha. Sorry if it came out that way.

                      I played paintball for about 4 years in Canada, a country where the airsoft scene is practicall non-existent but paintball is everywhere.

                      On BBs vs. PBs...Tippmann, the major manufacturer for rental markers everywhere, claims that the absolute maximum range on a non-flatline barrel is 100 to 125ft, flatline adding another 75ft. Stock gun vs. stock gun, it seems like that's about equal for range.

             advertisement brochure. If we take into account that it's an ad, You could probably take 25ft away from the flatline barrel. APEX are apparently better but that's mostly because they're a hopup unit stuck to the end of the barrel basically :P


                      • #26
                        Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                        I never presumed you were are spot on about the stag crowds they are mostly all idiots who will never return.
                        I prefer a discussion based on hardcore ballers and softers it has much more relevance.
                        A tippmann is a rental marker which most people would not purchase if the start to play properly,they are more likely to go for a tournament entry level marker which doesn't really resemble a gun much...there is a massive difference between pb markers which you don't see in airsoft...acurracy,range and rof(ability to control better).
                        I'd compare 1 end to the other by saying it's like comparing a springer pistol to a systema..they're both airsoft guns...!!!
                        Lets enjoy anyway,and stick together..prolly a bit off topic sorry...


                        • #27
                          Most airsofters care about the sites they play at because they go week in week out , most paint ballers don't as they are 1 time shooters.

                          Pros for paint ball
                          The one off thing , if a group of you go you are all on a equal ish standing , were as Airsoft new players have a bit of a shock with the whole " that's awesome how much was it ?" ....... " OMG"

                          Pros for Airsoft
                          There is a community ( I'm sure there is for paint ball but I doubt it's as large , because of cost )
                          Airsoft is rule of cool
                          I like the whole kit thing that's part of the reason I got into it.



                          • #28
                            Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                            Originally posted by Trigger Last Chancer View Post
                            Most airsofters care about the sites they play at because they go week in week out , most paint ballers don't as they are 1 time shooters.

                            Pros for paint ball
                            The one off thing , if a group of you go you are all on a equal ish standing , were as Airsoft new players have a bit of a shock with the whole " that's awesome how much was it ?" ....... " OMG"

                            Pros for Airsoft
                            There is a community ( I'm sure there is for paint ball but I doubt it's as large , because of cost )
                            Airsoft is rule of cool
                            I like the whole kit thing that's part of the reason I got into it.

                            As I said we should discern between regular players and rentals in both cases,and gasps do occur in paintball why should it be any different?.I think that's the same in all sports tbh though,something will always impress someone new to the sport,latest version/model/etc.
                            I believe airsoft is taking over,paintball was much bigger(I don't mean bigger than a/s but bigger than p/b is currently)as a "hobby" back in 2008 but it'd be nice to have some figures...
                            I still airsoft at the site where I was p/b'ing and it's obvious that walk-on/own guns are few and far between now..unfortunately I think it is cost above all else.


                            • #29
                              Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                              I think some of the rivalry between paintballers and airsofters could be down to some envy on the paintballers side, I went to an airsoft site earlier this year and there was a paintball site right next to it, the car park was a shared area and the place where we chronoed the guns was a shared area where the rental paintballers got their guns. When we were all queued up for the chrono there were a load of paintballers walking past and just staring at all the guns. You could kind of tell they wished that they were doing airsoft instead of paintball that day lol.


                              • #30
                                Re: Airsoft Vs. Paintball

                                Originally posted by Tiercel View Post
                                no body ever does a "staff day out airsofting" its always paintball.
                                Working on it. Already did a trip o the mall with our new artist and a character art guy from Blitz. Matter of time before I can convince the CEO and COO to go for a Team Building event :v


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                                luketabasco "Incoming fire has the right of way." Find out more about luketabasco