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prepping for the game

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  • #16
    Re: prepping for the game

    i've got so much kit it's all pretty much packed all of the time, the only thing i actually take out of my kit bag is my smelly clothes and my batteries


    • #17
      Re: prepping for the game

      Pick up big pile of gear and guns from corner, put big pile of guns and gear in the middle of the room... I'M READY!


      • #18
        Re: prepping for the game

        well thats all my kit pretty much packed, just waiting for the batts to charge and I'm all set (i hope =P )
        For Sale!
        TM M870 with a load of stuff
        A&K massada sniper spec
        leaving airsoft so everything must go


        • #19
          Re: prepping for the game

          get boots out of shed, polish boots, even if they were polished before goin in the shed. make house stink of polish, charge batteries, try on beret look in mirror go "yeah!!!" throw vest waterproofs and other misc gear in rucksake, make nice pile of clothes ill be wearing ready for morning. go bed about 2am, get out of bed at 4 because ive remembered summat that isnt important anyway.. struggle to go back to sleep till 6am get up at 7am, then buy tactical snickers from shop


          • #20
            Re: prepping for the game

            Has to be said, of all the chocolate bars, Snickers is definitely the most tactical.

            You all think I'm joking right now, but let me assure you, the above statement is entirely factual.
            REMF Tacticool - Facebook, YouTube & Instagram


            • #21
              Re: prepping for the game

              It has to be said I've actually got 2 magazine pouches for the sole purpose of holding my tactical snickers bar... its only logical really!


              • #22
                Re: prepping for the game

                Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
                Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
                Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
                Seein' everything, the time is goin'
                Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
                Gotta get down to the bus stop
                Gotta catch my bus go to the airsoft site.
                thats about it really.
                Lady Astor (first woman MP in the House of Commons): "Mr Churchill, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea."
                Winston (getting unsteadily to his feet): "Madam, if I were your husband ... I'd drink it."


                • #23
                  Re: prepping for the game

                  Likewise, one pouch set aside for a Snickers and a Boost.

                  @Sir Stephen, what make are your hard cases? If got two really cheap ones but they're not really durable enough for expensive AEGs.

                  | Cold War FilmSim player | Airsoft combat photographer |


                  • #24
                    Re: prepping for the game

                    they are shot boxes, really nice cases, those where £55 from a local retailer when i got them, i think they do larger ones also but those ones fit m4's brilliantly.
                    For Sale!
                    TM M870 with a load of stuff
                    A&K massada sniper spec
                    leaving airsoft so everything must go


                    • #25
                      Re: prepping for the game

                      Ah, excellent, thanks!

                      | Cold War FilmSim player | Airsoft combat photographer |


                      • #26
                        Re: prepping for the game

                        I play on a Sunday, so my Saturday goes something like this...

                        Put guns into gun bag.
                        Put battery number 1 on charge.
                        Play Xbox.
                        When battery 1 has charged, unplug it, then charge battery number 2.
                        More Xbox.
                        When battery 2 has charged, unplug that one, then charge battery number 3.
                        More Xbox.
                        More Xbox.
                        Realise I've not unplugged battery number 3, run upstairs and be ready to put out a small LiPo fire.
                        Breathe a sigh of relief.
                        Unplug battery 3, charge battery number 4.

                        This goes on until all batteries are charged (Of which there are 8, 6 are LiPo, the other 2 are just for backup. I seem to supply batteries for myself and for a mate. Whose gun I'm currently rebuilding too. God I'm good to him!)

                        Pack up the kit box, chuck everything in the corner and panic at the lack of chest rig in my room.
                        Run around like an idiot because I've forgotten where I've put my chest rig.
                        Remember it's in the car still.


                        Panic about where I've left my boots, chase around the house only to remember they're also still in the car.


                        The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


                        • #27
                          Re: prepping for the game

                          Just remembered I took this last time I was getting ready for a skirmish:

                          REMF Tacticool - Facebook, YouTube & Instagram


                          About the Author


                          Sir Stephen Find out more about Sir Stephen