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i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

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  • i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

    come join me in my bleeding fingeres and the extrefingeres i have had to grow so that i can cloes the dam things in one

    and then just like that it explodes without provcation just as you close it vomiting in all directions shims and springs and things

    i colapce and weep as the relisation that i have to do it again so soon

    so what stroy of gearbox woe do you have to share

    hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting

  • #2
    Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

    Originally posted by meddy View Post
    come join me in my bleeding fingeres and the extrefingeres i have had to grow so that i can cloes the dam things in one

    and then just like that it explodes without provcation just as you close it vomiting in all directions shims and springs and things

    i colapce and weep as the relisation that i have to do it again so soon

    so what stroy of gearbox woe do you have to share
    I have no problem with V2 gearboxs anymore as I have pretty much mastered the best way to put the shell on... But the trigger spring will always get me and on a V3 gb its very very annoying..


    • #3
      Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

      I always forund V3s the easiest... my one experiece with a V7 didn't exactly leave me keen to go back for more though.


      • #4
        Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

        Ever opened a RS SVD GB? You think V3 are bad.... *shudder*


        • #5
          Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

          V2s are a doddle! V3s triggers are a pain though!

          TM 226r, SYSTEMA PTW, Custom built m4, DE shotty, what else would a man need ?


          • #6
            Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

            Save yourself from learning new 'bad' words by stripping a defunct hard drive of the two semi circular rare earth magnets under the rotating disc.
            One of these placed under the positions of the gearbox spindles and anti reversal latch will hold them firmly in place whilst assembling the two gearbox sides.
            Try slightly bending the forward pointing tail of the trigger spring if it keeps slipping out of the gear box.
            A thin screwdriver inserted into the rear of the gearbox then into the spring guide allows you to hold the spring down with fingers of your left hand.
            A short length of broken hacksaw blade or a Stanley knife blade can be used to nudge spindles or anti reversal latches into the correct holes.

            Sometimes none of this works and the only solution is to throw it with maximum vengence at the nearest wall - just to show it who is boss.

            And yes, V3 triggers are a real pain. I invariably simply assemble the three parts and as long as the leg of the trigger spring is in its tiny hole, put these parts in last, when everything else is assembled and then attach the top half with a couple of screws. I can then tweak/nudge the pivot points into the correct holes. Doesn't always work, see above for V2 result!


            • #7
              Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

              i stripped my first v2 last night i was amazed how easy there are. V2'S FTW


              • #8
                Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                Just hangin out over here with my split ICS mp5 gearbox, oh man it's easy to work on
                - confirmed coolest of the cool airsofters.
                - I can't believe I'm lame enough to put my extremely cool youtube channel in my signature


                • #9
                  Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                  Save yourself all the headaches, get a CA/A&K 249. They are easy. apart from the anti reversal latch, that always gets sucked into the motors magnet, along with half of my tool box


                  • #10
                    Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                    V2 boxes are so easy to put back together,i did have some trouble with my VFC V2, i needed my friend to hold the spring down, but with m100 springs on any other V2 boxes you can hold them down with very little pressure from one finger,if you know where to push, which is easy to spot,its normally just where the spring starts to flex upwards. i hold it down with my left index finger, with my right hand holding the other shell half,i stick my right index finger through the cylinder hole,and place it next to my left index finger,(which is holding the spring down) i can now take away my left index finger, and and use my left hand to hold the shell, which can be positioned into place, making sure all the spindles are lined up,safety lever trigger and AR latch is in postion, and the two halves just pop together...

                    ive just realised that this post only makes sense to people who know how to do it,and so dont need this advice.....i should take some photos instead

                    LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
                    trader feedback


                    • #11
                      Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                      get your self ICS split gearbox.

                      last time I had s metal spring guide shoot into my 24" monitor, powered by M150 spring.


                      • #12
                        Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                        Gas blowback yaaaaaayy....but seriously I hate them to -,-

                        Any offence taken from my posts is likely intended.


                        • #13
                          Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                          The V2 in my APS M4 was a piece of cake to put back together - mainly due to the ARL being fixed to the left side of the gearbox, and doesn't come loose when the box is open.


                          • #14
                            Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                            You know what? V2s can actually be amazingly ease, it all depends on the quality of the parts.

                            Any respectable brand usually makes the ARL and the trigger fit in the holes so tightly that they stay in of their own accord. Chinese guns on the other hand. Tolerances are terrible, so it's a real pain to fit Same for V3s, I've found ares to be not terrible, but Cyma.. urgh... Even TM is a bit meh.

                            I am looking forwards to ordering one of the Modify ARLs though, those things are literally perfect (c clip retains the spring AND it has a flathead slot for external spring release, 2 amazing features in a frigging arl, modify do manage to get it right sometimes!)


                            • #15
                              Re: i hate mp5 gearboxes ¬__¬

                              yeh i was a bit drunk by this point XD it was that dam AR latch constantly defeating me by popping out all the time much prefer the other mp5 i have that's much better behaved. i like that idea with the neo magnets holding bits in as i have loads of them cant believe i hadn't thought about it

                              though now you all have me worried about this ak i just got i really don't want to go in the gearbox now but properly will. i like the challenge hehe

                              hoarder of ksc glocks currently 11+ parts and counting


                              About the Author


                              meddy CBA to spell correctly as this is the internet and not a school or a court of law. Find out more about meddy