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solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

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  • solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)


    I noticed some of these on a popular auction site and was wondering if anyone has ever invested in one (perhaps for their PTWs or something).

    There solomonensis IR lasers that have actual IR capability and come in many different variations including PEQ 2 and PEQ 15.

    If anyone has owned one what are they like ie. build quality etc.

    Are they as good as first impressions would have you believe?


  • #2
    Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

    Totally useless, unless youe got NVG equipment as well.

    Then again if you can afford to waste money on stuff like this then I suppose you can afford NVGs too :P


    • #3
      Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

      I've got one from a similar seller, built upon a G&P PEQ-2a. He removed the guts and put in IR Laser and IR illuminator.

      Unit is great, zeroed in nicely although the illuminator cannot be adjusted, it does fine with putting additional light down range. The laser is really nice too, havent seen any shift in zero and its been removed/knocked about a bit. Instead of paying thousands these will do for airsoft. Apparently mine can be used on 223r AR15's, I've not tried this yet but when i get one off the black market i'll let you know.


      • #4
        Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

        I understand they'd be useless without NVGs but thought it would be a cool addition for night games etc. with NVGs. Was really just wondering whether the build quality was good enough to withstand a little knocking around that it may recieve during games or whether it'd be in pieces by the end of the day. I assume its of a half decent build quality considering the price but can't find any decent reviews from anyone that's owned one of google so thought I'd try my luck and ask here.


        • #5
          Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

          They certainly work - however and it is a big however, IR lasers are dangerous little beasties as the human eye cannot detect them or close to protect them, after time the eye will just pop, on a lighter side, they work well with IR and they dont give your position away when illuminating targets, works well if you have a team of IR wearing fellows and a scout who illuminates the targets, more of a milsim toy.
          Just don't point them at peoples heads.
          Build quality ok for china gubbins, pretty good value for money. Down side is if the opfor have IR, just aim at the base of the beam.
          Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

          ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

          "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
          Obi-Wan Kenobi


          • #6
            Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

            Thanks Big Tony, kind of posted at the same time lol


            • #7
              Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

              Hmmm, sounds good, apart from the eye popping lol. Might think about in investing in one of these, especially as I wouldn't mind trying out a bit of milsim in the near future.


              • #8
                Re: solomonensis IR lasers (AN/PEQ)

                Check with your site also, some don't allow them. I suppose that is a more than fair shout.
                Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this...

                ++ Attributed to Mad Chainsword Johnson, Commander of the White Scars ++

                "Systema owners are easily startled, but they'll soon be back and in larger numbers"
                Obi-Wan Kenobi


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                Chris Jarrold Find out more about Chris Jarrold